Get to know Jill Podehl and some of her financial advisor thoughts

Get to know Jill Podehl and some of her business finance thoughts: About 43 million Americans are currently dealing with student loans. Budgeting and saving for college tuition — whether it’s your own or your child’s — is a key financial tip for avoiding overwhelming debt. If you can’t afford to save for your children’s college tuition, you can open a 529 college savings plan and ask other family members contribute. Pro tip: If possible, considering opting for an in-state college. On average, in-state students attending a four-year public school pay about 158% less than their out-of-state peers, according to a 2022 College Board study. Taking out a mortgage you can comfortably afford is another important personal financial tip worth considering. To get a leg up on your home loan, making a down payment of 20% or more is advantageous if you can swing it financially. Although some home loans require as little as 3% down based on your credit history, you’ll want to pay as much upfront as possible. Read more details on Jill Podehl.

To make sure that all of your hard-earned money doesn’t vanish, you’ll need to take steps to protect it. Here are some steps to think about, even if you can’t afford them all right now. If you rent, get renter’s insurance to protect the contents of your place from events such as burglary or fire. Read the policy carefully to see what’s covered and what isn’t. Disability income insurance protects your greatest asset—the ability to earn an income—by providing you with a steady income if you ever become unable to work for an extended period of time due to illness or injury. If you want help managing your money, find a fee-only financial planner to provide unbiased advice that’s in your best interest, rather than a commission-based financial advisor, who earns money when you sign up with the investments their company backs. The latter has a potentially divided loyalty (to their company’s bottom line and to you), while the former has no incentive to guide you down a wrong path.

Jill Podehl West Palm Beach and the growth of a financial investment leader: There is a subtext here that we haven’t yet discussed and it’s important that we do. Because while every task the bookkeeping service completes is vital to the financial health of your business, it’s the underlying structure they apply that really makes a difference. You see, bookkeeping services implement—and maintain—a consistent financial process that strengthens the health of your company and helps to create and encourage uniformity in tracking, paying and reporting. The value of this is immeasurable as it insulates your business from many costly and dangerous risks.

If you’re single, it’s important to establish a financial plan that not only helps you meet your immediate goals, but that ensures your future self will be taken care of. This means doing all the things mentioned above without making any assumptions that things will somehow work themselves out. A big mistake? Assuming you’ll meet someone who will take care of you and deal with the finances in your relationship. If your relationship status changes or you get married, you’ll be well equipped to plan your finances together if you already have things in place for yourself. Read additional info on Jill Podehl West Palm Beach.

There often comes a time when companies need to raise some form of capital, and it will probably happen sooner than you think — especially if you’re focused on growth. While you’re likely to bring someone on board to help with this process, there are things you can do now to prepare. Setting up your financial infrastructure, as discussed earlier, is a great start. But it would also be a good idea to: Familiarize yourself with the various sources of capital. When the time comes, you will need to make decisions about the type of capital that’s right for you, but the options can be dizzying. Will you be looking for a simple debt arrangement? A strategic partner? A hands-off investor? And what would you be willing to give up in return? Exploring your options ahead of time can help you get comfortable with the lingo and trade-offs so the choices won’t be so overwhelming. Formalize your business and marketing plans. Any reputable lender or investor will expect to see your plans for running and monetizing your business. If none of your plans are in writing, or if they only exist on the back of cocktail napkins, consider drafting something more formal well before you start down the capital-raising path.

Jill Podehl West Palm Beach guides on improving your business financial situation: Organizing your business’ finances means ensuring that it won’t run out of money. In order to do this, it’s essential to plan for your expenses by establishing an emergency fund to cover them. By doing this, you have some money ready to pay your bills when they’re due and demandable. Indeed, it’s a challenging job to get your business finances organized. However, by following the tips mentioned above, there’s no doubt your company will reap many benefits. One of them is the creation of a stable financial future for you as a business owner, your employees, and partners.

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