Quality Business Intelligence experts by data4success.de

Top rated Power BI für Microsoft Dynamics experts from data4success.de: Workshops on Power BI (setup, use, best practices) as well as tools from Microsoft relevant to business intelligence (SQL Server, Azure, Analysis Services) and connection to data sources. Sustainable conception of your reporting infrastructure in the company for consistent KPIs. Individual selection of software components. Creative advice for your specialist departments on the possibilities with Power BI. Our programmers automate your entire reporting landscape. Even the most difficult cases can always be solved. 100% Microsoft technologies for your success. Read even more info on Power BI für Microsoft Dynamics.

In the world of data analysis and business intelligence, Power BI has established itself as an essential tool for turning data into meaningful insights. But Power BI users often encounter a particular challenge: many-to-many relationships. In this article, we will explore how to solve this problem using a bridge table and implementing Bi-Directional Cross Filtering in Power BI, including connecting to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision, and Business Central.

Why are sort columns important? Sort columns are additional columns in your data source that contain specific sort values for categories. They provide a flexible way to adjust the order of categories based on user-defined criteria. Instead of relying on the native data columns, you can implement custom sorting logic that makes it easier to display and interpret your data the way you want.

Effective data analysis is crucial for companies that use Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central as their ERP systems. Power BI, Microsoft’s powerful business intelligence tool, offers a feature called Field Switch that allows you to dynamically select columns and simplify your data analysis. In this article, you’ll learn how you can use the Field Switch in Power BI to optimize your data analysis. We will also make the connection to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central to clarify the relevance of this function to your business data.

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence and automated technologies, the question arises whether Chat-GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) or AI consultants are a threat to traditional business intelligence jobs, especially when combined with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central. In this article, we examine how these technologies work and what impact they could have on the role of business intelligence professionals in the Power BI and Microsoft Dynamics environment. Chat-GPT explanation: Chat-GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a language model developed based on OpenAI’s GPT architecture. It uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate human-like text and respond to natural language. The way Chat-GPT works is based on a so-called Transformer network. This is a neural network that was specifically developed for processing sequential data such as text. The Transformer model consists of multiple layers of attention mechanisms that allow the model to understand contextual relationships between the words in the text.

It is important to note that these technologies do not eliminate the role of business intelligence professionals, but rather support them in their work. Automating certain tasks allows them to focus on more strategic aspects, such as developing data strategies, providing business insights, and collaborating with stakeholders. Overall, Chat-GPT and AI Consultants offer promising opportunities to increase the efficiency and quality of business intelligence work in conjunction with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central. By complementing and supporting human expertise, they can help drive better decisions and business success. Business intelligence professionals should be open to these new technologies and use their skills to improve their own work and add value to their organizations. Read extra info on https://data4success.de/.

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