Best fridges for India market in 2020

Best fridges for India market in 2020? LG260. Only a few brands in the whole world can match the quality of L.G refrigerators. It comes 1st on the list because this is the best Inverter Technology refrigerator in India. It is the energy-efficient, cost-efficient and looks very stylish with a glossy steel finish. This model has 4.5 ratings from over 800 customers. This model is one of the most energy-efficient double door refrigerators on the market with 4-star BEE ratings. All its operations are stabilizer free. It can handle voltage fluctuations from 100-290 volts.

Samsung 253 L 3 Star Frost Free Refrigerator. The first thing you might want to know is that even though it has Direct Invertor technology, the power consumption is comparatively higher ( 2 Star Energy rating) than other major brands in this segment. However, performance wise, this model from Samsung is absolutely perfect for a moderate use for a family with 3-4 members. With movable ice-shelf, deeper bottle holder, easy slide shelf, glass shelves capable of holding up to 150 kg weight and LED light, it has all basic features that makes it apt for an Indian family. The refrigerator is capable of cooling pretty fast and a bottle of water can be chilled in about 30-45 minutes. One of the highlights definitely is the easy slide shelf that makes it easy to take food items outside. The temperature of both freezer and refrigerator can be adjusted with separate knobs. However, one thing personally observed is that sometimes ice is formed on the control knob on cooler settings, making it a bit difficult to adjust the temperature. Also, the freezer doesn’t have any light.

This BEE 4 star rated refrigerator from Samsung is a great value for money refrigerator as it comes with great efficiency and is not very expensive. It has inverter technology compressor which makes it highly energy-efficient and keeps the food fresh for long. It has a stabilizer free operation and it can work between 100-300V. It has power cool and power freeze options to quickly cool the freezer or the fridge. Inverter compressor also makes it easy to connect this fridge to a power inverter or solar inverter. This slightly trimmed-down (in features) version of Samsung Frost Free refrigerator is a great buy in case you are slightly tight on budget but still want a good double door refrigerator. Discover more info at Best refrigerators in India.

Fridge trick : Use containers and those built-in drawers. Free-floating items in your fridge give off moisture, and make your fridge work super hard just to regulate the air. Use airtight containers to hold your leftovers, and store your produce correctly in the crisper drawers.

Don’t refrigerate hot food: wait for it to cool completely, to avoid contamination and messing up your fridge temperature. Products past their “use-by” date or not finished within the “once opened” timeframe belong in the bin. Finally, bread: Serious Eats once published a 1,164-word article detailing why refrigeration ruins bread; read it, or if life’s too short, just trust me. Ripened fruit, citrus, all berries, milk, yoghurt, meat, fish, any opened product that specifies refrigerating once opened. Eggs need consistent temperatures, so if you’ve bought them refrigerated, keep them that way. All veg apart from those above. Leftovers (as soon as they have cooled), and any fresh, ready-to-eat, deli-style products. Large tubs of nut butters that you won’t use up quickly – the cold should keep them from separating. Open pickles and jams can be kept in a cool dark cupboard, as can mustard, syrup, but read the instructions on the jar. Opened wine – even red – should go in the fridge. Discover a few extra details on

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