Emergency leaks services in Geelong AU

Emergency leaks services in Geelong, Victoria? A plumber’s worst enemy: We all know that hair is the number one culprit for a clogged shower drain. Here’s an easy way to remove any hair clogs. Get yourself a zip tie and make some slits every inch or so using a sharp utility knife. This zip tie is now a tool that will make it super easy to remove all of the hair that’s stuck in your drain. Neat huh?

Disconnect outdoor pipes by loosening the hose and turning off the valve leading to the outdoor water spigot. This prevents water from running to exterior lines, where it is more liable to freeze. It also eliminates the risk of water remaining in the hose from damaging the faucet. Store the hose indoors so it does not suffer damage over the winter months.

You never know when a pipe is going to give, or when an appliance is going to stop working. Its impossible to predict a leak, and its also impossible to stop one once its gotten started. If you have a leak in your house, call us immediately. Water damage can destroy your flooring, walls, and insulation and can lead to thousands of dollars in repairs. Its hard to prevent a leak, but it is possible to prevent further damage and calling us as soon as it happens is the first step. We’ll be there in no time and will stop the leak from causing havoc in your home. Read extra info on Commercial Plumbing in Geelong, Victoria.

If you live where temperatures dip below freezing, it’s essential to take proper precautions to prevent water from freezing in your pipes, which can cause them to expand and burst. One of the first defenses against burst pipes is insulation. For pipes that run along an exterior wall or through unheated portions of the home like the garage, you may also want to consider heat tape and water leak alarms.

Our team offers both underground plumbing services and ‘over-ground’ plumbing services, or plumbing services for your roof, gutter and blocked drains. As water-flow experts and plumbing expert technicians, we are trained to be able to do any job, whether the pipe is feet underground or feet above your roof. Our roofing plumbers will make sure water is following the right path down your roof and that gutters and drains are clear of debris to ensure proper drainage. Our team can also install and repair rainwaer tanks. An outdoor clogged drain or gutter can be as risky as an indoor one, and we’re set to prevent any floods or future damage to your home or garden. Read extra info on www.geelongplumb.com.au.

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