Spinal decompression clinic in Allen, Texas

Several advices to lower back pain. Maintain proper posture. “People sitting at their computer for seven or eight hours a day is keeping me in business,” says Lustig. “People slouch over their computers and their telephones when they’re texting, and they don’t realize the damage they’re doing to their backs and the pain they could be causing.” Be sure to work at an ergonomically correct workstation, both at the office and at home, and break up long periods in front of the computer with stretching exercises. If you practice good posture, you will maintain the natural curves of your back and help keep it strong.

Stretch: Standing, sitting, or lying down in one place for an extended amount of time isn’t healthy for your back. Relieve the strain of the day whenever you can by getting up, walking around, and doing some simple stretches. This will help improve circulation to your back. It can also ease any strains or aches that occur due to inactivity. Mingle: Whether you’re at an office party or a bar for happy hour, avoid sitting in an awkward position or standing in one place. Move around the room to avoid putting pressure on your spine, which can happen if you stand in one place for too long.

Lower back pain, also called lumbar spine pain, is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Lower back pain is the most common reason for missed work and the second most common reason for a doctor’s visit. Lower back pain can affect anyone. The lower back is made up of five moveable vertebra and numerous muscle groups. Research at The American Chronic Pain Association shows chiropractic adjustments are a safe and reliable treatment for the lower back pain. Lower back pain can come from the intervertebral joints, facets, disc, ligaments, muscles and nerve roots. Lower back pain can stay at the lower back or travel downward into the buttock, legs, and feet. It can affect one or both legs. Shooting, sharp, tingling and numbness down the legs can accompany more serious lower back pain. Over 80% of Americans will suffer from Lower Back Pain in their lives. See more details at Lower back pain specialist.

Your back has many connected parts, including bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, nerves and tendons. Your spine supports your back. It’s made up of 24 separate bones called vertebrae stacked on top of one another. Below these are the bones in your sacrum and coccyx, which are at the bottom of your spine. Between the vertebrae are discs that act as shock absorbers and allow your spine to bend. Your spinal cord threads through the vertebrae. It carries nerve signals between your brain and the rest of your body. The spinal cord ends in your lower back, and continues as a bunch of nerves. This is called the cauda equina, Latin for ‘horse’s tail’, which it’s thought to resemble. It’s usually difficult for doctors to say exactly what’s causing back pain. This is because there are so many different parts to your back and tissues that surround it. Even tests such as X-rays and MRI scans don’t help for most people. See our causes section below for more information.

Most people believe it’s best not to move what hurts. Actually, it’s the opposite. Arthritis sufferers need to move in order to free up the joints and liberate the fluids. Improved mobility is just one of many benefits of stretching. Consistent stretching gives back range of motion in the synovial joints. Stretching even transforms mood. Try these stretches and brighten up your day. The purpose of the stretch is to target the calf muscle and to a minor extent, the knee. An exercise band or light resistance band works best. If the equipment isn’t within reach, use a towel.

In addition to manual treatments, suggesting a course of action which includes exercise, nutritional counselling, preventive injury techniques, ultrasound or laser treatments and rehabilitation is what chiropractors are trained to do. Ailments such as injuries to the tendons, muscles, ligaments or nerves and chronic conditions which may vary from inflammatory arthritis, spinal stenosis as well as osteoarthritis which a chiropractor can help relieve and also restore function in certain areas of the body such as: Head and neck, Shoulders, etc. Source: https://allenhealthchiropractor.com/.

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