SEO website audit report

SEO laws and best practices are modified every year so here are some SEO advices for best results in 2019. Does your audience prefer text? Images? Video? Audio. Knowing this will all be more important than ever in 2019, according to our experts. “You need to understand what someone is expecting to find when they query a word or phrase and you need to give them the answer in the simplest way possible,” said Mindy Weinstein CEO of Market Mindshift. Motoko Hunt, president of AJPR, agreed, adding that the interests, tastes, and preferences of your audience can change more quickly than you think.

There’s a marketing theory called the “Blue Ocean Strategy” which argues that companies achieve greater success by seeking out uncontested market space rather than fighting head-to-head with competitors. (Competing in clear blue waters rather than shark-filled, bloody waters. You get the idea.) This is an important tenet of SEO. The more crowded the field, the harder it is to get noticed. If you want to rank higher in the SERPs, it’s to your benefit to look beyond what your competitors are doing and seek out new topics that haven’t been explored. Sites like Google Trends or BuzzSumo are your friend, here. To illustrate this idea, below we compare the interest in the terms “content marketing 2018” and “content marketing 2019”. Obviously, everyone’s talking about 2018 content marketing IN 2018—but there aren’t many indexed pages covering the 2019 strategies midway through the year. As 2019 approaches and the gap shrinks, more people start talking about it.

WordPress SEO tip : ontent still is. Unique, valuable and relevant content that is. Apart from being the greatest of all SEO ranking signals, high quality content is, foremost, the lifeblood of your website. A website without content is, well, not a website. Along the same lines, a website with poor quality content is like a blunt knife – it might do the job but you must exert more force. A website with stale content is dead both to search engines and human visitors. This I understand firsthand because, severally, I went long periods without posting on my own blog. The results? Lower user engagement and lost SEO rankings. We just mentioned your content needs to be unique, valuable and relevant. What does this mean? First off, your content should be unique because search engines, more so Google, do not entertain plagiarism – or duplicate content. Your content should bring something fresh to the table – it should be unique if you want to rank well. Without a doubt, you can pull out quotes from anywhere on the internet, but copy-pasting an entire page will only land you in trouble.

Although Google’s algorithms are getting better and better, it still needs content in the form of text to determine the relevance of web pages to a search query. Google has made enormous improvements in the analysis of textual content in recent years and uses the latest technology with Rankbrain to better understand content. This leap in quality is going to continue in 2019 as the system learns on its own. Your goal should, therefore, continue to be to offer the best content on your “topic” on the web. Practical tip: Check your texts continuously and make sure they remain unique and offer added value. Word counter analyses can support you in the analysis and writing of texts. These show you which terms your text should contain so that it becomes as relevant as possible in relation to a search term. Make sure you do not stuff keywords in your texts – we still see a lot of websites that do this.

SEO rankings under the Google are making strict interventions day by day to eject the spamming and we are always committed to ensuring that good quality private link network is done for all niche sites. These are link farms in which a group of blogs would be owned by the same company and we ensure that quality of content in these blogs are professional and back linking from those blogs would not cause any spamming. There would be good forums and there would be good social media accounting that would be done by our team. See more info at SEO audit.

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