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Cilësi e lartë makinë me qira ofruesi në Shqipëri 2023

Cilësi makinë me qira rinas kompani në Shqipëri sot? Mësoni për koston e garancisë dhe mbulimin shtesë. Për marrjen me qira të një makine, ekziston një garanci dëmtimi që në thelb është kostoja maksimale që mund të paguani në rast të ndonjë dëmtimi në makinën tuaj me qira. Ka mbulime shtesë sigurimi nga të cilat mund të zgjidhni, qoftë për të ulur shumën e garancisë, qoftë edhe për ta anuluar atë. Gjeni kushtet dhe kostot e anulimit. Në shumë raste, për të organizuar sa më mirë pushimet tona dhe për të rezervuar më ekonomikisht makinën, ne bëjmë rezervimin tonë shumë përpara datës së marrjes në dorëzim. Në këtë rast do t’ju duhet të kërkoni se çfarë anulimesh do t’ju kërkohet të paguani në rast të anulimit të rezervimit tuaj. Idealisht, ju duhet të gjeni një kompani që ose nuk ka fare anulime ose anulimet e saj do të jenë të vlefshme disa ditë para rezervimit ( 7 ditë para datës së marrjes). Lexo shtesë detaje në makina me qera.

Një nga peizazhet natyrore më piktoreske të Shqipërisë është Llogara, një kalim malor që ndodhet midis Vlora dhe Palasa, plazhi i parë i Rivierës Shqiptare. Rruga është shumë e rrezikshme dhe panorama spektakolare nuk ju ndihmon, por kushtojini vëmendje dhe sigurohuni që të merrni kamerën me vete për të bërë fotografi të mahnitshme. Korça është një nga qendrat kryesore kulturore të Shqipërisë, e vendosur në juglindje, pranë kufirit maqedonas. Qyteti njihet për birrën e tij të shkëlqyer Korça, pazarin e vjetër të rinovuar së fundmi, kishën ortodokse më të madhe në vend, vilat e lashta dhe Muzeun e Arsimit, i vendosur në ish godinën ku u hap shkolla e parë shqipe në vitin 1887. Gjithashtu njihet edhe Korça. për këngët vendase, serenatat, që janë ndër më të famshmet e Ballkanit.

Zakonisht agjencitë e makinave me qira i ofrojnë këto sigurime për një kufi minimal të qirasë ditë. Ditët minimale mund të jenë 5 ose 10 në varësi të politikës së çdo kompanie. Ne ju rekomandojmë që të lexoni termat dhe kushtet përpara çdo qiraje. Supozoni se marrim një makinë me qira për 10 euro në ditë për 5 ditë. Do paguajme 10×5 = 50 euro dhe 500 euro garanci. Në total do të na duhen 550 euro. Kur të kthejmë makinën dhe nëse nuk është shkaktuar dëmtim, kompania e qirasë do të na kthejë 500 euro. Në rast se një pasqyrë prishet, ata do të mbajnë vlerën e pasqyrës. Nëse pasqyra ka 50 euro, ata do të na kthejnë 450.

Porti kryesor i Shqipërisë, Durrësi është gjithashtu një nga qytetet më të vjetra të vendit. Durrësi është më i famshëm për të qenë shtëpia e amfiteatrit më të madh në Ballkan, ndërsa pjesa veriore e paprishur bregdetare e Gjirit të Lalzit është një nga më të bukurat e Shqipërisë. l vende për t’u vizituar. Turistët duhet të konsiderojnë të marrin kohë jashtë orarit të tyre për të vizituar Muzeun Arkeologjik të Durrësit, Teatrin Aleksandër Moisiu dhe Vilën Mbretërore të Durrësit gjatë qëndrimit në qytetin e dytë më të madh në Shqipëri. Gjatë gjithë vitit në Durrës mbahen shumë ngjarje dhe festa kulturore, ndërsa qyteti është edhe vendlindja e Bujar Nishanit, presidentit aktual të Shqipërisë. lista e kovave. I përshkruar shpesh si një nga udhëtimet më të mëdha me varkë në botë, udhëtimi i çon vizitorët nga diga hidroelektrike e Komanit në portin e Fierzës. Ndërsa vendasit që përdorin varkën rregullisht tani mund ta marrin si të mirëqenë bukurinë e ashpër të maleve shqiptare, çdo vizitor për herë të parë do t’i shohë pamjet nga Trageti i Liqenit të Komanit si vërtet mahnitëse. Udhëtimi me traget është gjithashtu një mundësi e shkëlqyer për të parë se si është jeta për shumë shqiptarë në zonat e thella.

Sa njerëz në pushimet tona kanë ndier një pasiguri në lëvizjet tona? Sa herë kemi humbur një mundësi për të vizituar një atraksion ose një vend të bukur gjatë pushimeve tona? Sa orë kaluam në pushime duke pritur për një transport publik ose duke kërkuar një mënyrë për të vizituar vendndodhjen që dëshironim? Marrja me qira e një makine, përveç komoditetit dhe sigurisë që na ofron në një vend të huaj për ne, në shumicën e rasteve na ndihmon të kursejmë kohë dhe para në pushimet tona, por edhe në jetën tonë të përditshme.

Riviera Shqiptare është ndoshta vendi më popullor në vend për turistët për të vizituar. Riviera ka një reputacion në rritje si një vend i rëndësishëm muzikor, me shumë festivale muzikore ndërkombëtare – duke përfshirë Turtle Fest dhe Soundwave Albania – që janë zhvilluar këtu. Klubet e natës si Folie Marine në plazhin e Jalës dhe Havana Beach Club pranë Dhërmiut tërheqin të rinj nga e gjithë Evropa në Rivierën Shqiptare. Qyteti bregdetar i Himarës është një nga vendet më të mira të rivierës për t’u vizituar, ndërsa Plazhi i Porto Palermos, Plazhi i Llamanit dhe Plazhi i Filikurit janë disa nga zonat më të bukura me rërë të zonës, ndërsa Plazhi i Drymades është një nga pikat më të gjalla këtu.

Stafi ynë me përvojë është në dispozicionin tuaj, për t’ju shërbyer vazhdimisht dhe pa pritur marrjen e makinës suaj, pasi ne monitorojmë fluturimin tuaj në mënyrë që makina është në pikën e marrjes pas mbërritjes. Ne ofrojmë gjithashtu shërbimin e dorëzimit dhe marrjes së makinave pa kontakt për shërbimin tuaj më të mirë, në rast të ndonjë ndryshimi në dizajnin tuaj. Pas rezervimit, do të merrni një kupon me vendndodhjen e saktë të takimit në aeroport, kështu që nuk duhet të na kërkoni. Zbulo shtesë info në

Hohe Qualität ferienwohnung Cuxhaven schnell, transparente und komfortable heute

Am besten ferienwohnung Cuxhaven schnell, transparente und komfortable heute? Unsere Apartmentsin Cuxhaven, direkt an der Nordseeküste, eignen sich ideal für Ihren Urlaub am Meer. Hier haben Sie den Strand direkt vor der Tür und können wunderbare Spaziergänge am Strand oder im Wattenmeer erleben. Die Sandstrände laden zu langen Spaziergängen zu jeder Jahreszeit ein. Die salzhaltige Luft an der Nordsee ist eine Wohltat für Körper und Seele und wird von Allergikern geliebt. Hier können Sie einfach mal wieder tief durchatmen. Sehen extra information auf Ferienwohnung Cuxhaven.

In der Saison bis Anfang oder Mitte Oktober steht unseren Gästen in der “Residenz Meeresbrandung” und in der “FeWo Küstentraum” ein Strandkorb kostenlos zur Verfügung. Die Strandkörbe stehen direkt vor der Residenz Meeresbrandung oder beim nächstmöglichem Strandzugang. Es ist ein großer Vorteil, wenn Sie sich nicht mehr um die Anmietung eines Strandkorbes kümmern müssen. So kann sofort nach der Ankunft Ihr Urlaub starten.

Die direkte Strandlage zeichnet unsere Ferienwohnungen in Duhnen aus. Jede Traumferienwohnung bietet Ihnen Parkmöglichkeiten in unmittelbarer Nähe, damit das be- und entladen einfach und bequem ist. Wenn Sie Hilfe beim tragen Irer Koffer benötigen sind wir Ihnen auch gerne behilflich. Bitte rufen Sie uns einen Tag vor Ihrer Anreise an, damit wir Ihren Empfang planen können. Da wir kein Büro in Duhnen haben benötigen wir ca. 20 Minuten bis wie an den Ferienwohnungen eintreffen. Bitte rufen Sie uns ca. 30 Minuten vor Ihrer Ankunft in Duhnen an. Ebenso sollten Sie uns auch informieren, wenn Sie sich verspäten, wiel Sie z.B. in einem Stau auf der Autobahn stecken bleiben.

Sie möchtenin Ihrem Urlaub in Cuxhaven das gewisse Mehr an Luxus genießen? Dann finden Sie unter den insgesamt acht Ferienapartments, die wir in der Residenz Meeresbrandung für Sie reserviert haben, gewiss ein passendes Domizil. Alle Ferienwohnungen Ihrer Ferienwohnung Duhnen sind komfortabel ausgestattet; zusätzlich zu Ihren privaten Wohnräumen steht Ihnen kostenlos die Nutzung von Schwimmbad und Sauna der Residenz offen. Auch einen persönlichen Autostellplatz und einen Strandkorb, in der Saison, am nur wenige Meter entfernten Strandabschnitt haben Sie mit der Buchung Ihrer Ferienwohnung in der Residenz Meeresbrandung bereits reserviert – im Preis inbegriffen selbstverständlich. Alles, was Sie noch über die Lage und die Ausstattung unserer exklusiven Ferienapartments in der Residenz Meeresbrandung wissen sollten, erfahren Sie hier.

Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 11 liegt direkt am Deich von Duhnen und bietet Ihnen einen fantastischen Meerblick auf das Wattenmeer, die Insel Neuwerk und den Weltschifffahrtsweg. Die hochwertig ausgestattete 1 Zimmer-Ferienwohnung bietet Platz für bis zu zwei Erwachsenen und ein Kind. Die Ferienwohnungen der Robbenplate Duhnen liegen in einer verkehrsberuhigten Zone am Ortsrand von Duhnen. Der Strandzugang ist fußläufig in wenigen Minuten zu erreichen und wir bieten Ihnen zu der Ferienwohnung, in der Saison, noch einen kostenlosen Strandkorb am Sandstrand von Duhnen.

Jede einzelne der vier Ferienwohnungen im Strandpalais Duhnen, bei Cuxhaven ist luxuriös ausgestattet und lässt keine Wünsche offen. Egal, ob Sie gern alleine, als Paar oder als Familie in Duhnen Urlaub möchten – für jeden ist die passende Unterkunft in der passenden Größe dabei. Alle vier Ferienwohnungen sind modern eingerichtet und in den großen und hellen Räumen finden Sie alles vor, um entspannen und sich selbst versorgen zu können. So ist jede Ferienwohnung Duhnen mit einem Flachbildfernseher und einer Waschmaschine ausgestattet. In der Küche stehen alle notwendigen Utensilien zum Kochen und Backen bereit. Auf dem Balkon und der Dachterrasse finden Sie Gartenmöbel, damit Sie auch an der frischen Luft Energie tanken können.

Rund 100 Kilometer nördlich von Bremen lockt die Seestadt Cuxhaven mit einer Vielzahl an maritimen Attraktionen. Ausflüge in den Nationalpark Wattenmeer und zu den deutschen Nordseeinseln, entspannende Spa-Behandlungen, historische Stätten und mehr haben es auf unsere Liste der Top Ten der Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten in Cuxhaven geschafft. Die Alte Liebe wurde 1733 als Bootssteg und Wellenbrecher erbaut und 1982 zur Aussichtsplattform umgebaut. Seitdem ist sie Cuxhavens beliebteste Flaniermeile für einen sonnigen Tag. Das Deck gewährt einen Blick auf die Bucht und vorbeifahrende Schiffe, deren Namen und Herkunft über einen Lautsprecher angesagt werden. Sehen extra einzelheiten auf

Endlich mal wieder tief durchschlafen. Das Frühstück gemeinsam in der komfortabel ausgestatteten offenen Wohnküche der Ferienwohnung einnehmen. Zu Fuß ins Dorf spazieren oder dem einzigartigen Nordseewäldchen im benachbarten Sahlenburg einen Besuch abstatten. Mit dem Fahrrad oder der guten alten Jan-Cux-Strandbahn zum Kurpark fahren, eine Runde Minigolf spielen, an der Pinguinfütterung im Tierpark Döse teilnehmen: Von den Ferienwohnungen aus erreichen Sie alle Attraktionen und Events Cuxhavens ganz ohne bequem und ohne Auto.

Das gesunde Klima und die vielen Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten locken Menschen von nah und fern. Leuchttürme, malerische Städte am Hafen, kulturelle Highlights und einzigartige Dünenlandschaften bestimmen die Nordseeküste in Cuxhaven Duhnen. Unsere Ferienwohnungen an der Nordsee zeigen sich von ihrer gemütlichen Seite und bestechen durch die reizende Architektur und eine liebevolle, hochwertige Einrichtung. In unseren Ferienwohnung Duhnen liegt Wellness praktisch vor der Tür und die große Flexibilität, von der Selbstversorgung bis zum gemütlichen Abend mit Freunden auf der Terrasse, verspricht Urlaub ohne Stress und Hotelhektik. Unsere Gäste lieben die kilometerweiten Nordsee Strände, den faszinierenden Blick über die weite See und das gesunde und erholsame Nordseeklima. Im Frühling und Sommer weht dem Urlauber der Duft der blühenden Felder um die Nase und im Herbst ist Drachen steigen lassen ganz hoch im Kurs. All das lässt sich in während eines Urlaubs in Ferienwohnungen an der Nordsee erleben.

Das Haus Pacific Duhnen befinden sich in direkter Strandlage von Cuxhaven und verfügen über einen fantastischen Meerblick auf die Nordsee. Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 84 befindet sich im 8. OG und ist die einzige Ferienwohnung mit zwei Balkonen im Haus Pacific. Die Ferienwohnung wurde 2020 maritim und hochwertig für Ihr Wohlbefinden renoviert und die Ausstattung ist ideal für bis zu drei Personen Das helle Schwimmbad befindet sich im Erdgeschoss und steht unseren Gästen kostenlos zur Verfügung.

Die drei Zimmer Ferienwohnung in der Residenz Windjammer wird seit Juni 2017 vermietet. Das Ferienapartment ist ideal für 4 Personen ausgestattet. 2 Schlafzimmer mit Boxspringbetten und Fernsehern, sowie zwei Duschbäder und einem großen Wohn-Essbereich in dem die Küche perfekt integriert ist geben Ihnen das richtige Ambiente für Ihren Strandurlaub in Cuxhaven Duhnen. Der Wohn-Essbereich und ein Schlafzimmer bietet Ihnen einen top Meerblick. Was kann man mehr von einer Traumferienwohnung in Duhnen erwarten?

Hohe Qualität ferienwohnung Cuxhaven schnell und komfortable winter 2023

Exzellent ferienwohnung Cuxhaven schnell und komfortable 2023? Mit der Ferienwohnung Küstentraum Duhnen bieten wir Ihnen eine 74 qm große Traumferienwohnung, die über 3 Zimmer verfügt. Die Ferienwohnung befindet sich im ersten Stock und bietet Ihnen so einen herrlichen Panoramablick. Sie können den Strand und das Meer überblicken und so manchen Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang beobachten. Das Ferienapartment ist natürlich hell und freundlich und mit modernen Möbeln voll ausgestattet. Klicken Sie auf die Traum-Ferienwohnung und erfahren Sie noch mehr Einzelheiten. Die Ferienwohnung Küstentraum wird Ihnen detailliert vorgestellt, damit Sie wirklich genau wissen, was Sie erwartet. Sehen extra einzelheiten auf Ferienwohnung Cuxhaven.

Familienurlaub ist stets eine besondere Herausforderung. Die Ansprüche von Eltern und Kindern müssen unter einen Hut gebracht werden. Von der Anreise, der Ferienwohnung bis zum Strandkorb muss alles gut organisiert sein. Ihre Ansprüche sind unsere Herausforderungen! Wir bemühen uns, für Sie alles so gut wie möglich herzurichten, sodass Ihr Familienurlaub mit Ihrer Ankunft beginnen kann. Last Minute für Cuxhaven Ferienwohnung: Sollten Sie Interesse an Last-Minute-Angeboten haben, tragen Sie sich bitte in unseren Newsletter ein. Den Newsletter finden Sie in der linken Spalte. Sollten in der Zeit von April bis Oktober Buchungslücken entstehen, werden wir Sie ca. 10 bis 14 Tage vorher darüber informieren. Bessere Schnäppchen können Sie nicht machen!

Wie viel Exklusivität benötigen Sie und welche Extras sind Ihnen gerade recht? Wenn die Sehnsucht nach der erfrischenden Schönheit und dem erholsamen Klima der Nordsee Sie mal wieder überkommt, Sie aber genug haben von Traumferienwohnungen, in denen Sie nur das Nötigste vorfinden, dann sollten Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf unsere Traum-Ferienwohnungen Cuxhaven beziehungsweise Duhnen werfen, die sich unter anderem im Strandpalais Duhnen und in der Residenz Meeresbrandung befinden.

Die Ferienwohnung in der Residenz Windjammer ist eine der beliebtesten Ferinenwohnungen in Duhnen. Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 13 ist eine moderne und exklusive Ferienwohnung die direkt am Deich von Duhnen liegt und Ihnen einen Top Meerblick und eine sehr hochwertige Ausstattung bietet. Ein persönlicher PKW Stellplatz gehört ebenfalls zu der Ferienwohnung. Alles, was Sie noch über die Lage und die Ausstattung unseres exklusiven Ferienapartments in der Residenz Windjammer Wissen sollten, erfahren Sie hier.

Das Haus Pacific Duhnen befindet sich direkt am Sandstrand von Cuxhaven Duhnen und bietet Ihnen Ferienwohnungen mit Panorama Meerblick auf den Weltschifffahrtsweg, die Nordsee und den Sandstrand von Duhnen bis Döse. Die Ferienwohnung befindet sich nicht weit entfernt von der Strandpromenade und dem Ortskern von Duhnen mit seinen Geschäften und Restaurants. Das Pacific Duhnen ist ein sehr gepflegtes Haus mit wunderschöner Seesicht und hauseigenem Pool. Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 84 verfügt über zwei Balkone, einen kostenlosen Tiefgaragenstellplatz und wurde hochwertig renoviert. Die Ferienwohnungen Nr. 92 und Nr. 91 sind die Penthäuser!

Besonders durch die unmittelbare Nähe zum Meer bietet sich eine ganze Fülle an Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihren Urlaub gestalten können. Besonders zu empfehlen ist der feine Sandstrand in Duhnen, direkt vor dem Strandpalais Duhnen, der sich scheinbar endlos lang vor Ihrer Ferienwohnung erstreckt. Nutzen Sie doch den Strandkorb, der zur Ferienwohnung gehört und genießen Sie einen Tag am Meer. Außerdem werden täglich Kutschfahrten zur Insel Neuwerk über das Wattenmeer angeboten. Dabei werden Sie bei Ebbe von einer Kutsche befördert und haben dann die Möglichkeit, sich die Insel aus nächster Nähe anzusehen. Empfehlenswert ist es auch, an einer der Wattwanderungen teilzunehmen, bei denen Sie nicht nur viele Muscheln, Krebse und Würmer sehen werden, sondern auch mehr über das Weltnaturerbe erfahren. Duhnen selbst lädt zum Bummeln an der Strandpromenade oder zu einer Wanderung am bekannten Ringwall ein.

Rund 100 Kilometer nördlich von Bremen lockt die Seestadt Cuxhaven mit einer Vielzahl an maritimen Attraktionen. Ausflüge in den Nationalpark Wattenmeer und zu den deutschen Nordseeinseln, entspannende Spa-Behandlungen, historische Stätten und mehr haben es auf unsere Liste der Top Ten der Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten in Cuxhaven geschafft. Die Alte Liebe wurde 1733 als Bootssteg und Wellenbrecher erbaut und 1982 zur Aussichtsplattform umgebaut. Seitdem ist sie Cuxhavens beliebteste Flaniermeile für einen sonnigen Tag. Das Deck gewährt einen Blick auf die Bucht und vorbeifahrende Schiffe, deren Namen und Herkunft über einen Lautsprecher angesagt werden. Sehen extra information auf

Endlich mal wieder tief durchschlafen. Das Frühstück gemeinsam in der komfortabel ausgestatteten offenen Wohnküche der Ferienwohnung einnehmen. Zu Fuß ins Dorf spazieren oder dem einzigartigen Nordseewäldchen im benachbarten Sahlenburg einen Besuch abstatten. Mit dem Fahrrad oder der guten alten Jan-Cux-Strandbahn zum Kurpark fahren, eine Runde Minigolf spielen, an der Pinguinfütterung im Tierpark Döse teilnehmen: Von den Ferienwohnungen aus erreichen Sie alle Attraktionen und Events Cuxhavens ganz ohne bequem und ohne Auto.

Gute Luft, eine frische Brise, Fischertradition, das aufregende Wattenmeer und jede Menge norddeutscher Charme – das alles bieten Ferienwohnungen in Cuxhaven. Wassersport, Baden, Wellness, Kultur und Schifffahrt warten auf den Urlauber. Dort wo sich die Elbe bei Cuxhaven und die Weser bei Bremerhaven mit der Nordsee vereinen,, wird die Region an der südlichen Nordsee umgangssprachlich als Cuxland oder Cuxhavener Land bezeichnet. Bei uns im Cuxland ist das ganze Jahr Saison, weil sich der Einfluss des waremen Golstroms, insbesondere im Winter, günstig auf die Temperatur auswirkt. In unseren Ferienwohnung in Cuxhaven Wohlfühlurlaub zu erleben bedeutet, Nordseeferien in vollen Zügen zu genießen.

In unserem Haus II der Residenz Meeresbrandung erwartet Sie eine 65 qm große Wohnung, die 3 Zimmer zu bieten hat. Die Ferienwohnung ist sehr hell und freundlich ausgestattet und verfügt ebenfalls über einen Balkon. Die Traum-Ferienwohnung befindet sich im ersten Stock, auf der Südseite und wurde erst im März 2014 fast vollständig renoviert. Klicken Sie auf das Haus und lernen Sie die Ferienwohnung näher kennen. Das Haus II der Residenz Meeresbrandung ist mit Haus I durch einen Tunnel verbunden. Natürlich gehört auch zu dieser Wohnungen ein kostenloser Strandkorb am Sandstrand.

Travel places to see in Ephesus today with

Excellent holiday places to see in Ephesus 2023? Tire is also known with a special ‘Kofte’ (Meat patty made of beef, lamp…). At a local restaurant enjoy Tire Kofte and also a special cheese desert made out of Lor Cheese (soft, uncured cheese like Ricotta) with black mulberry jam. Tire is also accesible by train from Izmir Basmane Train Station. It takes 1.5 hours with train to go to Tire frmo Izmir through several villages and towns. For travellers who have been to Ephesus and want to know more about Turkish culture Tire`s Tuesday farmers market is definetely worth seeing. Visit to Tire Farmers Market can be combined with a visit to the picturesque town of Birgi. If you have any questions about Tire or if you would like us to design you a private tour to Tire Farmers Market and Birgi Town, please do not hesitate to contact us. See many more info at Ephesus tours from Kusadasi port.

This citadel-like basilica once occupied the whole breadth of the hill it sits on and was ranked with the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (now the Aya Sofya) as one of the Byzantine Empire’s largest churches. According to tradition, the grave of St. John is under the church. Originally, a mausoleum with a domed roof borne on four columns was built over the grave, but the Emperor Justinian replaced this simple monument with a three-aisled basilica on a Latin-cross plan boasting six domed roofs. Including the narthex at the western end and the arcaded courtyard, the basilica was 130 meters long and 40 meters wide. After the Seljuks captured Ephesus in 1130, the church was converted into a mosque and later served as a bazaar until it was finally destroyed by an earthquake. Although only partially restored, the basilica ruins that remain give a good idea of the awesome size of the original building.

Running through the center of Selçuk are the remaining broken arches of this Byzantine aqueduct, which is more of a tourist attraction these days due to the huge stork nests that top some of the arches. If you arrive in town in spring or early summer, you’ll likely be able to spot storks sitting regally in the nests. The best chunk of aqueduct remains is found on Inönü Caddesi, right in the town center just across from the train station. There’s another section on St. Jean Caddesi, leading up to the Basilica of St. John. After dark, the aqueduct remnants are lit up and make a great subject for some night shots of town.

Even the main foundation year of Ephesus is unknown, most of the sources are claiming that it was founded in 6000 B.C. Ephesus was built for Artemis to show their respect. Ephesus is an Ancient Greek city that is now on the Western side of Turkey, Izmir. In the origins, the city belonged to Greece. Ephesus was also the capital of Hellenic Greece. As Ephesus was in Greece in the past, you may also see Greek culture combined with Turkish culture. Ephesus is a great place to explore if you are into history. Because the city has many historical sightseeing spots. Ephesus would not be a great idea to go to Ephesus for people who enjoy exploring modern places, cafes, and streets.

Turkey is full of wonders but undoubtedly Ephesus Ancient City Tour is one of the best attraction for tourists. Ephesus known as the capital of Rome in Asia Minor, an important transit point on route of merchant ships. Thus become an issue of battles along the history. Ephesus tours from kusadasi port is also mostly preferred as a biblical sightseeing for guests into Christian history. Ephesus Ancient City was the final home of Virgin Mary and St John. It is known as where St. John wrote the Gospel of John; the letters John I, John II and John III. The letter written in Ecumenical Council held in Ephesus (AD 431) stated that ‘the city of Ephesus as where the John and Mary lived’. Also Ephesus known as the city where St. Paul lived almost 3 years for missionary works. Best Ephesus Tours is fully knowledgeable and experienced with Private Ephesus Tours for the guests interested in Christianity history also. Discover additional information on Ephesus tours.

See the Pollio Fountain: According to the Latin and Greek inscriptions, this building was built as a “Mausoleum” for C. Sextilius Pollio by his stepson, in the area allocated by the city administration. Thus, the person who built the Basilica and Marnas Aqueducts and dedicated them to the emperor and the city was honored on behalf of the city. There is also a small pool inside. The water of this pool comes from the wall of the Agora. On the bench in the pool was the Polyphemos sculpture group, which is exhibited today in the Ephesus Museum.

San Blas sailing charters today and tourism guides

Most popular Panama Monkey Island tour in 2022? I will say that the turtle encloser was a little underwhelming and could definitely benefit from some upgrades. The animals here, however, were confiscated from people who had them as pets and the nature park is a sanctuary for them as they simply wouldn’t survive in the wild. Entrance to the park is only $7 USD and if seeing a sloth is on your bucket list, then this is a convenient way to check that off without having to leave Panama City. For me personally, visiting this nature center was one of the most unique things to do in Panama City, Panama! Discover additional information at Panama City travel tours.

I will never stop saying this: Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve is a hidden gem that you definitely shouldn’t miss when in Tulum. The Sian Kaan Lagoons and Cenote Escondido tour combines exploring the lagoons of Sian Kaan with the Mayan Ruins of Muyil, with a relaxing swim at beautiful cenote Escondido. Just the perfect combo. It’s pricey (all tours to Sian Ka’an generally are), but worth it IMO. This private cenote tour from Tulum brings you to Dos Ojos, one of the best (and most famous) cenotes in the area. By departing early in the morning, you’ll enjoy the two cenotes away from the tourist crowds – when I went as soon as it opened, I had Dos Ojos cenote all to myself and it was a unique experience! You’ll get lunch as well on this Dos Ojos cenote tour.

In this place the first Spanish settlement in the area was built in the early seventeenth century and was also where San Blas was founded. On the San Basilio Hill the most important Colonial Ruins on the Pacific Coast are found. The old fort of San Blas also known as La Contaduria (now semi-restored) and the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary «La Marinera» dating from 1769, where you can find the famous bronze bells immortalized by Henry W. Longfellow in his posthumous poem «The Bells of San Blas.» These Colonial ruins are not restored but well worth visiting… The church is beautiful and gives us a clear idea of the Spanish community that settled in San Blas in those days.

The San Blas trip is possible all year round. But you need to know one important thing: It’s windy season from December to March. This means there will be high waves, not necessarily around San Blas since it’s sheltered by a reef, but the journey over open seas can get rough (read more about the routes below). If you get seasick easily the sailing trip might not be for you. If you are adventurous and like the idea of sailing, then yes it’s for you!

An amazing aerial view of Panama City on a brief helicopter tour. Soar over the Panama Canal, the Americas Bridge, Centennial bridge, Amador Causeway, Biomuseum and City Sky line. As you go, your guide will provide important information about the most iconic attractions. We offer the best possible view from the air inside our helicopter with panoramic view, no doors to feel all the adrenaline of the ride. Excellent Service, The called us the night before to confirm and picked us up at our Panama Hotel. The staff was very friendly. I enjoyed the service and they were very welcoming. The Helicopter ride was fun and exciting. They tailored a bit of the ride to suit your preferences which is always nice. I would definitely recommend this to people wanting something fun and interesting to do in Panama. Discover even more information on

Everyone of our team members is passionate about traveling and ready to offer you exceptional service. Whether answering your questions, helping you with your booking or providing you with personal recommendations on restaurants or local events, we are happy to assist you in any way possible to make your travel experience exceptional. We’re available to assist you via online chat, phone or email. Working from 3 different countries, our Travel Experts are committed to ensuring you receive outstanding and timely support. We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and German hoping to make it easy for you to communicate with us.

If you truly want to get off the beaten track and have a taste of adventure, a trip to the San Blas Islands might be just what you’re looking for. Postcard perfect islands with palm trees and crystal-clear water gently lapping the white-sand beaches is what this area is all about. However, you need to be prepared to bring out your inner Robinson Crusoe, as the accommodations are generally on the rustic side. The only way to visit these idyllic islands is to book a package with the local indigenous Guna people, which includes transport to, from, and around the islands, accommodation, and three basic meals a day. This is a totally off-the-grid type of trip, so prepare accordingly.

Best Vietnam destinations and holiday tips and tricks

Awesome Vietnam travel attractions and holiday advices? Under French rule, the Con Dao Islands were known as the Devil’s Island of Indochina, a place where thousands of prisoners of war were kept. Today, this group of 16 islands off the southern coast of Vietnam has a completely different purpose. Visitors come for the beautiful beaches and the abundance of scuba diving and snorkeling spots. However, the history of Con Dao can still be explored at some of the prison buildings that still stand. Read extra info on

For sandy fun in Vietnam, Nha Trang is king. The well-maintained beach trundles for six kilometers along the shoreline of central Nha Trang city and during summer is jam-packed with local families on vacation as well as foreign visitors. There is excellent swimming here with designated swimming areas and manicured lounging areas that make this a great option for relaxing days soaking up the sun and sand. If you do get bored of sunbathing, the ancient Po Nagar Cham Towers are just to the north across the Xom Bong Bridge and have been used as a place of worship here since at least the 7th century (with some historians saying the site itself has been a place of active worship since much earlier). There is also an excellent museum dedicated to the work of Alexandre Yersin who discovered the cause of the bubonic plague and founded Nha Trang’s Pasteur Institute (which still carries out vaccination programs in Vietnam today).

Attractions in Vietnam are plentiful, ranging from stunning natural landscapes, untouched islets and quaint villages to war museums, colonial structures, and ancient citadels. The Cu Chi tunnels, located outside Ho Chi Minh City, represent the sheer grit and ‘can-do’ attitude of the Vietnamese while a visit to the War Remnants Museum brings home the horrible reality of war. On the more positive side, the marvellous Hue Monuments, along with the My Son Sanctuary will awaken your spiritual side. Attracting millions of visitors all year long, its colonial heritage also means that many hotels feature a unique blend of French and Asian influences while its cuisine is highly regarded as one of the best in the world. With so many things to see and do in Vietnam, planning your travel itinerary as a first-time visitor can be a challenge, so we’ve compiled a general list of Vietnam’s must-see attractions.

Admire the Chinese shophouses and gaudy assembly halls, iconic Japanese Covered Bridge, and faded French colonial-era mansions. This old quarter is also home to a strong local community, with markets and artisan workshops and riverside open-air cafés and restaurants, perfect for sampling local culinary delights. The Ancient Town comes into its own after dark, especially during the monthly, full moon lantern festival, when, traffic-free streets are illuminated solely with hundreds of multi-colored silk lanterns and vibrant with traditional festivities.

Both Halong and Lan Ha bays are prime cruising territory, especially the overnight luxury varieties, viewing an ever-changing backdrop of jungle-clad karsts from the sundeck and a fantastical playground for nature and adventure activities. Explore mythical caves and floating fish farms, kayak to hidden lagoons, and snorkel off coral beaches, while the bay’s largest island, Cat Ba, offers trekking, mountain biking, and rock climbing opportunities for amongst primeval rainforests. For the ultimate birds-eye view, take a stupendous seaplane scenic flight over the entire bay.

High quality Buddhist Himalaya spiritual holiday places to see by Kyle Noble Quandel

Excellent Buddhist Himalaya spiritual holiday destinations by Kyle Quandel? Tsum Valley is a heaven on earth. There are beautiful landscapes, ancient monuments, Monasteries with soothing chanting, and astounding Himalayas. All these make this place a beautiful destination for all. This place is filled with natural beauty and ancient culture. The people are nice and loving. You will love this place. Unknown to many trekkers and tourists, the Tamang Heritage trek takes you on a journey to the remote places around Langtang region. This isolated region is rich in Tamang culture with Tibetan touch and lifestyle. The Tamang Heritage trek does not offer you high-end accommodations, and rest stops.

Happiness, picturesque landscapes, mysterious aura and tranquillity are attributes that describe Bhutan – the best. Nestled in the Himalayas of South Asia, the beautiful Kingdom of Bhutan will transport you to an altogether different world. It is popular for its traditions, fortresses, scenic vistas and monasteries. We suggest you plan your next holiday to Bhutan and delight the wanderer in you. Paro Taktsang Monastery aka the Tiger’s Nest is situated on a cliff in the upper Paro valley. This striking Buddhist sacred site is dedicated to Guru Padmasambhava who meditated in the caves of this valley. If you happen to visit this place in March or April – you can experience the annual religious festival of Tsechu, celebrated in the honour of Guru Padmasambhava who introduced Buddhism to Bhutan. Discover even more information at Kyle Quandel.

Lamayuru is one of the most ancient Buddhist sites in Ladakh, with its five original temples attributed to the great Buddhist translator Rinchen Zangpo in the eleventh or twelfth century. Only one of those temples, the Senge Lkakhang, still exists. The site’s large Drigung Monastery is characteristic of the powerful monasteries influenced by fortress architecture that arose in the seventeenth century. Legend has it that Lamayuru was once the site of a lake that has since dried up, which contributes to the moon-like landscape for which the surrounding area is known.

Mount Kailash Yatra and Parikrama of Lake Mansarovar, one of the holiest paths to Nirvana, takes you to one of the most revered places in the Himalayas. Mansarovar and Mt. Kailash are two of the holiest pilgrimage areas to devotees of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Bonism and many other faiths. Each year thousands of devotees undertake the treacherous and rigorous journey through the mountains of Himalayas to reach this sacred land. For Hindus it is the holiest of the holy place as the abode of Lord Shiva. It also has geographical significance as four great rivers flow from it: the Karnali, the Indus, the Sutlej and the Brahmaputra, which drain the vast Tibetan Plateau to contribute to the Ganges in India. Kailash is an object of devout pilgrimage also for the Buddhists. Likewise, Lake Manasarovar is one of the highest sacred lakes in the world. The sacred lake is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus, as it is believed that bathing in the holy waters will cleanse one’s sins.

Milarepa’s Cave: It is believed that Milarepa, one of Tibet’s most famous yogis and Buddhist practitioners, spent several years of his life in this cave in western Tibet. Pilgrims journey to the site with offerings of decorated stones, sweet herbs, and wildflowers, leaving them along the path to the cave. Pilgrimage escape is the excellent way to explore the Himalayas’ pilgrimage destinations. Life here revolves around an intricate intermingling of ancient Hindu and Buddhist religious rituals. Find additional information at

High quality Da Nang, Vietnam attractions and holiday guides

Destinations and holiday recommendations in Vietnam 2022? Located in front of the Cambodia coast, Phu Quoc is the largest island in Vietnam. Phu Quoc is what Phuket would be if it hadn’t been overrun by development. The island features pristine tropical forests, undamaged coral reefs and great beaches. One of its beaches, named Bai Dai (Long Beach), was chosen by the ABC News as one of five beautiful and clean beaches. Phu Quoc is famous for producing the best nuoc mam or fermented fish sauce in the world. See extra details at

Hue Imperial City, set along the northern bank of the Perfume River, features hundreds of monuments dating back to early 19th century, including the Forbidden Purple City, royal tombs, pagodas, temples, royal quarters, a library and museum, Also called the Complex of Hue Monuments, this UNESCO World Heritage Site also hosts daily cultural performances at 09:00, 10:00, 14:30 and 15:30. Entrance fee is priced at VND 150,000, which combines visits to both Hue Imperial City and Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities. A 30-minute drive from Phu Bai International Airport, Hue Imperial City is a must-visit for any visitor to Central Vietnam.

The choice of Vietnam tourist attractions is staggering; this mesmerizing country blessed with jaw-dropping natural beauty, an unfair tally of World Heritage Sites, historical legacies extending from 10th-century pagodas to wartime tunnels, vibrant cities revealing multi-national architectural wonders, and rich cultural diversity. One trip may not be enough, but for first-timers, be it, honeymooners or adventure seekers, here’s our what to see on your trip to Vietnam.

Despite modern-day developments, the ‘Delta’s floating markets are in decline, but many still operate in strategic localities; for visitors, this is an iconic Vietnamese sight and wonderful opportunity to engage with locals and experience a traditional southern culture – besides a fantastic photographic opportunity. Take an early morning guided tour on a small vessel, weaving in amongst dozens of colorful barges piled high with seasonal produce and household items and ordering Vietnamese breakfast and coffee from floating kitchens! The largest, most renowned floating markets are Phong Dien and Phung Hiep, but especially, Cai Be and Cai Rang, popular for its vibrant atmosphere. All can easily be visited in a day trip from Ho Chi Minh City, but afterward, continue boating deep into the ‘’Delta countryside, disembarking at fruit orchards and stilt-house communities.

For sandy fun in Vietnam, Nha Trang is king. The well-maintained beach trundles for six kilometers along the shoreline of central Nha Trang city and during summer is jam-packed with local families on vacation as well as foreign visitors. There is excellent swimming here with designated swimming areas and manicured lounging areas that make this a great option for relaxing days soaking up the sun and sand. If you do get bored of sunbathing, the ancient Po Nagar Cham Towers are just to the north across the Xom Bong Bridge and have been used as a place of worship here since at least the 7th century (with some historians saying the site itself has been a place of active worship since much earlier). There is also an excellent museum dedicated to the work of Alexandre Yersin who discovered the cause of the bubonic plague and founded Nha Trang’s Pasteur Institute (which still carries out vaccination programs in Vietnam today).
