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Top timeshare debt resolution services by Attorney advocates of America reviews

Attorney advocates of America reviews : top timeshare debt resolution services? Attorney Advocates of America Works With Timeshare Owners Like You To Eliminate Your Costly, Unwanted Timeshare(s), Legally And Permanently. We Protect Our Client’s Rights. Attorney Advocates of America’s proven, results-driven Timeshare Cancellation program will end your timeshare contract once and for all. We help clients from coast to coast relive themselves of debt. We are a licensed debt relief law firm. We also specialize in contract law, the FDCPA statute and other regulatory statutes as it relates to real estate and timeshare sales. We will first demand a production of all documents as allowed for under federal statute. Subsequent to our findings we will demand immediate release from your timeshare membership and help you get out of your contract completely legally, ethically, and easily.

Searching for extra Attorney advocates of America reviews? Beware the “Lost Note” or “Lost Mortgage” (deed of trust, security deed, etc.) Position taken by foreclosing party (lender) in securitized mortgage foreclosure cases: nothing was “lost”, and to so represent to the court is a serious matter and may provide borrowers with a reason to request dismissal of the foreclosure case. A recurring pattern in mortgage foreclosure cases involving securitized mortgage transactions is a statement in the lawsuit filed by the party seeking to foreclose that either the Note or the Mortgage (also called, depending your state, a Deed of Trust, Security Deed, or something else) was “lost”, but that copies are attached to the lawsuit. In such a case, it is more likely than not that nothing was “lost” at all, and that the party seeking to foreclose is simply trying to take advantage of state laws which permit the filing of a foreclosure action with a “lost” Note or Mortgage when in fact such a statute may not apply as the Note and/or Mortgage were never “lost”, but were sold, assigned, or transferred more than once to different persons or entities.

Attorney Advocates of America was established as a full service debt relief law firm. This allows our firm to perform a case evaluation to best determine the correct course of action to be taken in a given matter. Our primary mission is to assist clients resolve and mitigate debt. The debt we handle for our clients covers a wide spectrum, such as; mortgage debt, unsecured and secured debt as well as business debt. When dealing with debt we endeavor to develop a financial strategy for the client.

What Happens If I Take No Action When Sued For Credit Card Lawsuit? Taking no action can lead to a series of events I will assure you would rather avoid. By taking no action on the credit card lawsuit the creditor and their Attorney will walk into court and simply be given a money judgement in their favor. Upon receiving the money judgement they will most likely start performing post judgement discovery. Upon performing discovery you will be required under oath to answer certain questions from the creditors Attorney. From that point the possibilities are endless. In most likelihood they will seek employment garnishment if you are subject to such action. Depending on the State you reside in they may also place a lien against your property. Find additional information at Attorney advocates of America reviews.

You may still have trouble with getting unsecured credit after a bankruptcy. If you find that to be the situation, applying for a secured card may be the answer. This will show people that you’re seriously trying to restore your credit record back in order. After a while, you are going to be able to have unsecured credit cards too. The Bankruptcy Code lists the kinds of assets which are excluded from bankruptcy. If you are not aware of the rules, you might be blindsided when a possession that is important to you is taken to repay creditors. The professional that helps you file with needs to know both the good and bad aspects of your finances.

Chapter 7 advices from bankruptcy attorney Houston, Texas

Bankruptcy lawyer Houston, TX and chapter 7 lawsuits: Folks often have the misconception that if the lawsuit is not placed in their hands, they cannot be served and the lawsuit cannot proceed. This is not true and sometimes if you are served by alternative service you may not realize you have been served (if, for example, the lawsuit is affixed to your door and a nosy neighbor takes the lawsuit). If you are aware a lawsuit has been filed, do think if they have not put the lawsuit into your hands that the lawsuit cannot proceed. A lawsuit begins when the ‘Plaintiff’ (the person or company doing the suing) files the ‘Original Petition’ in the appropriate court. If the dollar amount the creditor is suing for is less than $10,000, the lawsuit will usually (but not always) be filed in a ‘Justice of the Peace’ court. Otherwise a lawsuit for an unpaid debt will typically be filed in the county court or district court for the county in which you live.

As a bankruptcy lawyer in Houston, I primarily help people and companies file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. I also help both individuals and companies resolve other debt issues. I have been practicing as a Chapter 7 lawyer in Houston and as a Chapter 13 lawyer in Houston for over 5 years. I believe that customer service should be the no 1 priority in any business, but it is especially important in the bankruptcy and debt settlement field. When people are struggling financially they may be stressed, nervous and scared about their situation. The prompt returning of telephone calls and e-mails is important so as to help alleviate anxiety. You can also take comfort in knowing that you will be speaking with an attorney every time you call or come in for an appointment. Dove Law Firm, PLLC is a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code as well as resolve other debt issues.

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit: A tax credit is so much better than a tax deduction—it reduces your tax bill dollar for dollar. So missing one is even more painful than missing a deduction that simply reduces the amount of income that’s subject to tax. But it’s easy to overlook the child and dependent care credit if you pay your child care bills through a reimbursement account at work. The law allows you to run up to $5,000 of such expenses through a tax-favored reimbursement account at work. Up to $6,000 in care expenses can qualify for the credit, but the $5,000 from a tax favored account can’t be used. So if you run the maximum $5,000 through a plan at work but spend more for work-related child care, you can claim the credit on up to an extra $1,000. That would cut your tax bill by at least $200 using the minimum 20 percent of the expenses. The credit percentage goes up for lower income households.

How Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Work? When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court places an automatic temporary stay on your current debts. This stops creditors from collecting payments, garnishing your wages, foreclosing on your home, repossessing property, evicting you or turning off your utilities. The court will take legal possession of your property and appoint a bankruptcy trustee to your case.

Meet With Your Tax Advisor: November is a good month to meet with a tax advisor, Powell says. They have finished their October tax filings and may have time in their schedule before the busy tax season starts after the first of the year. “If you sit down and do some math between now and the end of the year, you can make sure you are in a favorable tax bracket,” Barlin says. An advisor can help pinpoint strategies to reduce taxable income through retirement contributions or itemized deductions. That, in turn, may be key to ensuring households remain eligible for some income-based tax incentives such as student loan interest deductions. If you don’t regularly use a tax professional, Barlin says running numbers through tax software can be just as beneficial. Discover additional info at bankruptcy attorney in houston texas.

First, you should find a bankruptcy attorney who can provide you with a free evaluation and estimate to file. The cost to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy consists of filing fees and fees charged by a bankruptcy attorney. Applicants need to pay a $235 filing fee to the bankruptcy court, as well as a $75 miscellaneous administrative fee. A list of creditors and the amount of their claims, Disclosure of the amount and sources of the debtor’s income, A list of the debtor’s property, as well as an accounting of all contracts and leases in the debtor’s name, A breakdown of the debtor’s monthly living expenses, Tax information, including a copy of the debtor’s most recent federal tax return and a statement of any unpaid taxes.

Serafino Di Loreto avvocato

Serafino Di Loreto avvocato – Ha persino fatto fondere e donato la ‘Campana della Nuova Vita’ alla parrocchia di Castenedolo, nel bresciano, in cui visse la propria infanzia, in memoria delle troppe vittime, negli ultimi anni, di banche e fisco ingiusti. Gente che è giunta oltre il limite estremo della disperazione per colpa delle numerose ingiustizie subite da parte di enti creditizi ed erariali. Il 2018 appena conclusosi è stato un buon anno per Serafino Di Loreto, il professionista lungimirante e competente che in anni recenti ha fondato la società ‘Sdl Centrostudi spa’, con sede a Mazzano, in provincia di Brescia. La rinomata struttura professionale si occupa principalmente di analisi contabili per il recupero del credito di anatocismo e usura sui conti correnti e rapporti bancari in genere.

Il 2018 appena conclusosi è stato un buon anno per Serafino Di Loreto, il professionista lungimirante e competente che in anni recenti ha fondato la società ‘Sdl Centrostudi spa’, con sede a Mazzano, in provincia di Brescia. La rinomata Società si occupa principalmente di analisi contabili per il recupero del credito di anatocismo e usura sui conti correnti e rapporti bancari in genere. E negli anni scorsi, anche per la crisi economica, è stata protagonista una rapidissima crescita in tutta Italia che l’ha portata alla ribalta nel mondo dell’imprenditoria locale e nazionale.

Mentre a Bergamo Serafino Di Loreto ha rilevato altresì un’azienda, proveniente da tre fallimenti, che fino a novembre 2017 perdeva circa 400mila euro al mese. Oggi, dopo soli 12 mesi, l’azienda ribattezzata ‘DL Sintered SRL’ ha fatturato ben oltre 8 milioni di euro, debiti zero, e continua a garantire lavoro e futuro a 35 dipendenti “ritirati dal fallimento” che altrimenti sarebbero rimasti a casa: qui grazie a un innovativo processo di stampaggio di polveri vengono creati ex novo componenti meccanici poi esportati in tutto il mondo.

L’azienda dal 2010, anno della fondazione a oggi, in soli otto anni ha assistito e aiutato, su fronti differenti e molteplici, oltre 150 mila italiani – privati e imprese – a uscire dalla crisi: restituendo, annullando e/o compensando circa 250 milioni di euro (riferiti a cartelle esattoriali, aste e pignoramenti bloccati o cancellati, interessi bancari illeciti su vari fronti) ingiustamente sottratti da banche e fisco ai loro legittimi proprietari.

“Oltre a essere stati i primi in Italia ad aver affrontato su vasta scala la questione dell’anatocismo/usura, e di tutti gli aspetti collegati, siamo anche stati i primi ad esserci dotati di polizze stipulate con importanti operatori del settore, che garantiscono la copertura delle spese legali, in caso di soccombenza“, prosegue ancora Di Loreto, imprenditore poliedrico e di successo attivo anche in altri molteplici settori. A Mantova, con la società ‘Ecoval’ il fondatore di ‘SDL Centrostudi Spa’ ha sviluppato un progetto con il patrocinio del Comune stesso e la cooperativa ‘Il Solco’ che ha consentito di avviare il risanamento dell’area cittadina dell’ex petrolchimico ‘IES’, salvando ben 20 posti di lavoro, e attivando una produzione in stile green, grazie alla coltivazione di una speciale radice che nel sottosuolo bonifica il terreno, mentre in superficie si sviluppa rapidamente come un alto canneto atto alla produzione di combustibile tipo pellet. In pratica, ha acquisito e riconvertito una delle più storicamente importanti realtà industriali cittadine, trasformandola da inquinante a struttura che crea disinquinanti.

Qualche anno fa fatturavate di più… Sì certo, la crisi era nel vivo, e paradossalmente per il tipo di lavoro che facciamo, avevamo richieste maggiori. Ora fortunatamente il mercato è in ripresa e c’è maggiore liquidità che circola, di conseguenza banche e aziende litigano di meno. In che cosa consiste, prevalentemente, l’attività di ‘Sdl Centrostudi Spa’? L’impresa si occupa in primis di analisi contabili econometriche per verificare che banche, istituti di credito e agenzia delle entrate non pratichino anatocismo ed usura e rispettino tutta una serie di parametri fissati dalla legge. Valutiamo il costo del denaro per imprese e persone che hanno mutui, finanziamenti e altro.

Avvocato Di Loreto, come si gestisce una struttura con centinaia di collaboratori sparsi per l’Italia? Noi abbiamo scelto un’organizzazione molto simile a quella militare, o ecclesiastica. Ovviamente per fini commerciali ed economici: il nostro è un network commerciale. In che cosa consiste, nello specifico, la vostra mission? Un’azienda ci contatta perché pensa di non essere trattata correttamente dal proprio istituto di credito. Un nostro incaricato, sulla base di una serie di dati, forniti dall’azienda stessa, svolge una pre-analisi gratuita. Se la pre-analisi dà esito positivo, allora offriamo una perizia a pagamento, debitamente stimata e approntata, che il potenziale cliente può, tranquillamente, accogliere oppure rifiutare senza alcun impegno.

Per parte di chi, allora? Del sistema creditizio italiano. In che modo viene elaborata una perizia? Abbiamo realizzato software gestionali (per conti correnti, mutui, leasing, derivati, cartelle esattoriali, ecc…) che, dopo aver inserito i parametri aziendali, è in grado di realizzare un calcolo matematico algoritmico integrato e complesso. Un progetto nostro, molto utile. Una perizia serve per dare all’impresa la prova che le banche non si stanno comportando correttamente con lo scopo di trattare nuove condizioni, oppure di chiedere i doverosi rimborsi. Qualora le banche dinieghino, che cosa accade? Le imprese e i privati hanno due opzioni: o accettano di mediare e restituire il maltolto oppure si va in tribunale a far valere le proprie posizioni.

Un’ultima domanda, Avvocato Di Loreto. Banche e fisco iniqui a parte, Lei opera con successo anche in altri ambiti imprenditoriali: quali? Sono molteplici. Ho sempre considerato ogni problema un’opportunità. A Mantova, con la società ‘Ecoval’ di cui sono socio ho sviluppato un progetto con il patrocinio del comune di Mantova stesso e la cooperativa ‘Il Solco’ che ha consentito di avviare il risanamento dell’area cittadina dell’ex petrolchimico ‘IES’, salvando ben 20 posti di lavoro, e attivando una produzione in stile green, grazie alla coltivazione di una speciale radice che nel sottosuolo bonifica il terreno, mentre in superficie si sviluppa rapidamente come un alto canneto atto alla produzione di combustibile tipo pellet. Trova aggiuntivo informazioni a Serafino Di Loreto.

Scusi ma da cosa dipende? Dipende dalle solite interpretazioni dei giudici, ovvio, ma c’è dell’altro… Ci dica pure… La legge italiana spiega chiaramente che, nel conteggio del tasso d’interesse, devono essere comprese anche le spese di tenuta conto e le commissioni di massimo scoperto. Chi è stato il relatore di queste legge? Luciano Violante, nel 1996. Invece che cosa sostiene la controparte? Afferma che quelli sono costi che non vanno conteggiati all’interno del tasso d’interesse applicato ai clienti, sposando la tesi di parte della Banca d’Italia. Ora, ovviamente, ci sono alcuni giudici che tengono buona questa tesi e altri, invece, che non la pensano così.

Business law firm in Texas

Business formation law in San Antonio, Texas? Insurance companies use various tactics to reduce their liability. Beware of any documents they ask you to sign or any unexpected checks they send you in the mail. Consider talking to an attorney so you don’t accidentally sign away your right to pursue a fair personal injury settlement. Personal injury attorneys have in-depth knowledge and experience in negotiating personal injury settlements. They know how to build a persuasive case and how to take a firm stance with insurance companies. Your attorney will handle everything, including dealing with the insurance company and their team of attorneys.

Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

Estorga Johnson Law Firm, PLLC is a general litigation practice. We work diligently with our clients to educate them on the entire process, from initial filings to potential outcomes. The goal is to make sure all questions are answered to ensure clients are fully prepared to meet any challenges that may arise. Our goal is to provide each client with the confidence they need to move forward in their case and with the legal knowledge and experience to provide them with the best representation possible. See more information on How to start a business in Texas.

Child support in Texas is designed to provide for the care and support of a minor child. Support claims may be established through divorce proceedings, the Texas Attorney General’s Office- Child Support Division, or by SAPCRs (Suits Affecting Parent-Child Relationship). Our firm works on behalf of families in San Antonio/Bexar County, Seguin/Guadalupe County, Kerrville/ Kerr County, Bandera/Bandera County, New Braunfels/Comal County, and Boerne/Kendall County. Having a Texas attorney that is familiar with child support law is important in making sure that any support determined is appropriate and just.

Cases involving child protective services are serious and should not be taken lightly. Allegations of abuse and neglect can stem from a number of sources which include disgruntled ex-spouses, relatives, professionals or anonymous individuals. I work diligently on behalf of clients to fight false allegations, providing steps to prepare an adequate defense.

Do not reduce your demand more than once until you have a new offer from the adjuster. Never reduce your demand twice without an intervening increased offer from the adjuster; it’s simply not good bargaining. If the adjuster comes up with more reasons for a low offer, go over each one. Once you have dealt with all the adjuster’s arguments, you will either get a reasonable offer, or you will have found out that no reasonable offer is coming and you will have to try to put some additional pressure on the insurance company. Find extra details on

“You will be working on multiple deals—use a different pad of paper and file system on your desk to keep track of each deal. List the lawyers you are working with on the front. If one calls, you can quickly get your brain around the relevant deal. This way, you won’t confuse facts of various deals.”

How much compensation for a fall with

Bike accident claim with FirstPersonalInjury? If health and safety standards are not met, Morrisons stores and warehouses could potentially be dangerous. There are many possible scenarios and types of injuries you could have suffered while working or shopping. However, below are a few examples of common injuries that result in Morrisons compensation claims. If you have suffered an injury or illness due to an unsafe scenario at a supermarket or warehouse, please contact our experts today to discuss your claim. You could be owed compensation if you have suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault.

If you have been attacked or bitten by a dog, you may have a valid dog bite compensation claim. Dog bites have been on the increase in the UK in recent years. Figures show an average of around 7,693 admissions to NHS hospitals a year for dog-related injuries, with a total of 23,078 between 2015 and 2018. Dog bites account for the majority of bite claims. Many different breeds of dogs commonly bite, including border collies, rottweilers and pit bull terriers. Dog bite injuries can vary and many can leave victims needing emergency medical treatment. The effects of are often devastating for victims. They might have to stay in hospital for a long period of time and/or endure extensive injuries such as psychological damage and physical impairment.

It’s your legal right to claim for an accident that was not your fault. Contact our team today to find out how we can help you win the compensation that you deserve. Our professional team of personal injury lawyers will be able to answer any questions you may have about the process in a friendly and sensitive manner. Get in touch online or call us on 0800 808 9740 to discuss making a claim. We’ll talk through the details of your claim over the phone, and then advise further! See additional details at read more.

Falling from heights accidents. This kind of accident can happen anywhere. One particular example is a municipal playground or privately owned amusement park where perhaps there has not been the necessary health and safety measures taken to prevent accidents or minimise dangers. Medical negligence claims can arise from a variety of situations. Perhaps there has been a late or wrong diagnosis of a child suffering from meningitis which has led to further physical impairment. Alternatively, an error may have been made during the delivery of a baby, resulting in permanent brain damage.

At First Personal Injury, we deal with a wide range of accident at work claims, some of which are listed below. If you have been injured in an incident not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us anyway, as we will be able to offer help and advice regarding your claim for compensation. An accident at work can change everything. You may not be able to work or function normally after an accident. Alternatively, you may find yourself in financial difficulties as a result of a work-related accident. Suddenly the future can look uncertain. That’s where our accident at work claims injury lawyers can help. Our team can help you get your life back on track. Read additional info at

Premium executor responsibilities to beneficiaries Oldham

Conveyancing solicitors Lydgate by At Bromleys, we understand that your children are the most essential part of your lives. Whether you need advice and guidance regarding adoption, childcare proceedings or local authority involvement regarding your parental responsibilities, we’ll do everything we can to ensure a safe environment for your family. Regardless of the circumstances, our team of specialist solicitors are committed to providing robust, easy-to-understand legal advice coupled with sympathetic guidance and emotional support.

We understand that as an employer, ensuring you have a comprehensive legal framework in-place is crucial to the success of your business and the well-being of your employees. Our legal expertise covers all aspects of employment law and our team have a strong understanding of the fast-paced nature of the field. With employment rules and regulations in a constant state of change, our attention to detail sets us apart and leaves you feeling confident you’ve put your trust in the right solicitors. From drafting workplace policies, to more divisive matters such as discrimination – Bromleys are well-placed to provide both the highest level of service and handle all cases sensitively.

Bromleys is the trading name of Bromleys Solicitors LLP, formerly known as Bromley Hyde & Robinson. We’ve been based in Ashton-under-Lyne for over 175 years and are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We have an excellent reputation with our clients, peers and the wider business community and pride ourselves on providing clear, concise legal advice. We have very strong links within the local community and we not only act for, but strongly support local charities. We also provide free legal advice at our twice-weekly clinics to members of the local community. We are proud to be associated with both Tameside and Manchester. Read more info on deed of variation will.

In 2013, Glyne Harris was made the Executor of a £1.2 million estate. Harris filed the Inheritance Tax Return and paid the initial Inheritance Tax that was due. As a large part of the estate was property, it was possible to pay the Inheritance Tax on the property in instalments. Harris made the mistake of paying the estate out to a beneficiary on the understanding that the beneficiary would settle the remaining IHT bill. Unfortunately for Harris, the beneficiary swiftly disappeared to Barbados without paying the remaining Inheritance Tax. Harris as the Executor was liable to pay the remainder of the £340,000 tax bill personally. Without the estate funds at his disposal, Harris appealed saying that he should not be liable, however a judge ruled that he is in fact personally liable. HMRC could potentially go after Harris’ own assets including his house. Whilst this is an extreme example of what can go wrong, it shows the responsibilities of being appointed an Executor and the advantage that having a professional can have.

A Deed of Variation is an instrument by which, after a death, a beneficiary can divert their entitlement under a Will or Intestacy to somebody else. The effect of using a Deed of Variation rather than the person just gifting their legacy or entitlement to a third party is that there are no tax consequences for the original beneficiary, it is deemed as though the deceased made the gift. The terms of the Deed of Variation are ‘written back’ into the Will or alter the Intestacy Rules for Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax purposes. Read additional info at

Employment solicitors in Nottingham

Probate solicitors in Chesterfield? Our Commercial Team has a long history of involvement with development projects from small housing sites to major commercial/mixed developments. We will assist with the formulation of initial strategies, detailed title investigation and the preparation and completion of contractual arrangements including conditional purchase contracts, options, forward funding or project management agreements, bank or other funding documentation and construction contracts.

We can assist you if your intellectual property rights have been infringed. Alternatively where you have, inadvertently, found you or your business accused of infringement of these rights. Intellectual Property claims may be pursued in relation to patents; design rights; trademark and passing off; copyright; protection of rights in confidential information. In all cases court action can ensue fairly quickly and we can assist in analysing the issues and then providing you with clear advice so that you are aware of your rights and remedies, and the action you will need to take to protect your interests.

Elliot Mather LLP maintains professional indemnity insurance in accordance with the rules of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Details of the insurers and the territorial coverage of the policy are available for inspection at our offices. You may be visiting our web site, because you have been recommended by a friend or colleague. Most of our new clients come to us because of a personal recommendation and our reputation is based on our ability to deliver every time. We base our approach on a set of characteristics that we know are important to you, and these characteristics define our work: clear, affordable, tailored, personal and impeccable. As one of the biggest law firms in the East Midlands, we can provide you with access to a comprehensive range of legal services – whether you are a business, entrepreneur, individual or family, throughout the region and beyond. See additional information at commercial solicitors nottingham.

It is difficult to estimate how long it will take to recover the monies from your debtor as there are so many variables which can interfere with the recovery process such as the solvency of the debtor, the conduct of the debtor and whether any formal legal action is required. In most cases, it takes up to 4 weeks from receipt of instructions to receive payment from the other side providing no dispute is raised and legal proceedings do not become necessary. If, however, it becomes necessary to issue a claim, then it may take a further 8 weeks to obtain a judgement in your favour. If the claim is disputed or enforcement action is required after Judgment in default has been obtained, the matter will inevitably take longer to resolve.

The Criminal Justice System does not always get it right first time. If you have appeared in court and disagree with the outcome, you may have the right to appeal against that decision. Our team have vast experience in dealing with all varieties of appeal and are on hand to assist you with your appeal; even if we did not represent you at the original hearing. We provide a free initial telephone options appointment to see how we can assist in your circumstances. Please call your preferred office below for a no obligation, initial discussion or email and we will call you back. See even more details at

Road haulage lawyers and clandestine entrants

Road haulage solicitors and clandestine entrants fine? At Smith Bowyer Clarke, our record of recovering seized trucks and loads is extremely high. Click here to see some recent examples. We can even arrange for collection, transhipment and onward transportation. Vehicles Seized for Operating Without an O Licence: The police and the DVSA have the power to seize your vehicle if they think you are operating without a licence. Only the legal owner of the vehicle can apply to to the authorities for the return of the truck. The owner of the seized vehicle will usually be expected to appear before the Traffic Commissioner at a hearing to explain, with evidence, why the vehicle should be returned to them. The law provides only four grounds for the return of the truck, three of which are highly technical. Often the result turns on the outcome of detailed legal argument.

We offer a cost-effective, fixed-fee arrangement designed to cover these steps and to provide you with certainty as to your costs. Smith Bowyer Clarke can arrange training from experts in the Road Transport field on: How to install an effective system to prevent clandestine entrants, in line with the Codes of Practice issued by the UK Government, The paperwork (checklists / training manuals etc) you need, The actions drivers must take to identify and prevent migrant access, The documentation that must be carried in the cab of the vehicle at all times, The information that must be provided to the Border Force if stopped.

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.Road Transport Lawyers for HGV and PSV Operators and Drivers in the UK and around Europe. How can you protect yourself and your employees? Drivers ought to receive training and be required to comply with a driver handbook. This may refer to an obligation to report accidents or incidents in the vehicle, changes to driving licences/eligibility to drive and a robust drink/drug driving policy. It is good practice to include a walk around check to avoid issues with mechanical or physical defects. See extra information at

Visited by the DVSA / VOSA? There are some things that happen, even to the best run businesses, which are less than welcome. High up on that list must be the DVSA (formerly VOSA) announcing that they intend to visit your operating centre. However well-meaning, it is always a trial when your systems are put to the test – especially by an eye that misses nothing and is not afraid to tell you when you’ve got it wrong! It always helps if you are courteous and cooperative. Let them see what they need to see. If they point out a fault and suggest a remedy then take it up. Even when the worst comes to the worst and you are called into a Public Inquiry a Traffic Commissioner is going to be more easily disposed to an operator who was open and cooperative to the DVSA than to one who was rude and obstructive.

During an operating centre inspection, the DVSA / VOSA will want to analyse your tachograph records and may want to download data from your vehicles and from the driver cards. If tachograph offences are found, the operator can expect to be interviewed under caution about them. Following the interview, the inspection officer will compile a report of their findings. Depending on the seriousness of any tacho infringements found, the operator may be prosecuted, or called to Public Inquiry with the Traffic Commissioner. For more information, speak to one of our specialist transport defence lawyers today. Discover more details on Transportation Lawyer.
