Pet Reiki specialist

Searching for Dog nutritionist provider? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). In addition, Gillian continues to keep up with the latest research, learning as much as she can to bring a holistic cooperative approach to animal well-care, sharing tips with animal owners to help care for their animal companions

Getting a feel of your dog’s body is beneficial when it comes to early detection. You’ll be able to feel wounds that you can’t see through your dog’s coat, or any lumps and bumps that might be developing inside your dog’s body. These things can be felt before seen, so taking notes when you massage your pooch and noting what’s abnormal will help your veterinarian determine the issue. Early detection is critically important in treating many illnesses and massage will certainly help.

Growing up in England and living on three continents provided Gillian with an understanding of how traditional, alternative and holistic therapies can work together to help heal the mind, body and spirit of humans and animals. She began her career practicing Reiki on human clients, achieving the level of Reiki Master and receiving Karuna and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) certification. It was several years ago, while practicing in-person Reiki for a human client, she realized her ability to communicate with animals when the client’s dog began to communicate directly with her. See more details at canine massage denver.

When I invite my dogs to join in my morning Reiki sessions, they immediately come romping into the room. After lighting incense and flipping on the music, I lay back on the couch as my dogs take their normal positions.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) energy healing is a gentle, painless, yet powerful modality that works on animals and humans alike. I use Reiki on many of my canine clients and have always seen wonderful results. Reiki can be used in conjunction with all other holistic medical or therapeutic techniques as well as with traditional medical treatments to relieve side effects and promote recovery. It is a common misconception that Reiki energy is just for sick or injured animals. While Reiki energy can be used on a sick or injured dog, it can also be used as a preventative to any potential illness or ailment or to maintain the general well-being of a dog. Reiki sessions can also be done at any time of day or night.

Massage Works Wonders for Wilma: Former street dog Wilma had trouble calming down and relaxing when meeting new people, greeting guests and when experiencing new situations. “In January, 2017 Wilma was found with her two surviving puppies, living on the streets in Amarillo, Texas. All were brought to CO, and I adopted her in early February. We’ve been working on building confidence in new situations and building social skills with new people. While Wilma is benefiting from canine massage in that she’s learning to relax and be calm, Gillian’s work helped in other ways as well. Wilma has become much more confident, able to spend time with Gillian alone, without me and the other dogs present. Regular sessions have also helped Wilma be more confident in other situations where people are present in my home. On Thanksgiving, she actually jumped into someone’s lap. And she is engaged and excited to see new people, no treats necessary! Dog massage therapy has been a fabulous experience for me and Wilma.” Source:

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