Top rated green cleaning products manufacturer

Excellent industrial cleaning products provider? Throughout a broad cross-section of industries, everything we sell to our clients and customers passes through our rigorous testing system to make certain that everything is among the finest and most cost efficient options available anywhere. Quality is the unifying signature in all that is recommended and delivered by U.S. Standard. Discover even more details at us standard products cleaners. At U.S. Standard Products, we believe that every worker has the right to a safe work environment. We are committed to ensuring workplace safety through all of our equipment. From gloves to glasses and every garment in between, we use the latest technology in safety offerings for a broad cross-section of industries.

We also offer a range of Personal Protective Equipment for a variety of workplace settings and tasks, including such items as US Standard safety gloves. For instance, with US Standard protective gloves, workers in the food service industry can feel much safer on the job. Thanks to US Standard high visibility products and US Standard safety goggles, workers in low-light or bright conditions are also less likely to sustain injury. For instance, we understand that protecting the senses is just as important as protecting any other part of the body. That’s why we offer US Standard ear plugs, US Standard safety goggles, and US Standard goggle glasses, protecting sight and hearing in high-risk environments.

The employer must pay for personal protective equipment, except in limited cases. Safety-toed boots and prescription safety glasses are exempt, and the employee must pay for them. The reason why these items must be paid for by the employee is that these items are frequently worn away from the jobsite. Industrial applications are not the only place where protective equipment is necessary on the job. Medical and infectious workplaces are another major area where these are used. Hazmat suits, respirators, and gloves are a few examples of these types of equipment. Safety glasses are another crucial piece of the puzzle. Since these occupations may expose employees to serious medical issues, this equipment is a must. Doctors, nurses, and lab employees may use these personal protection items.

US Standard Products Gives Back: US Standard Products is also dedicated to giving back to the causes we care about. We have a long-standing practice of donating a portion of our profits to worthwhile charities. We also promote the charities we support through our Facebook page and on our Twitter account. It is our belief that businesses should do what they can to enrich the community and help those in need. In recent years, we have worked with charities like the Sierra Club, the Wounded Warrior Project, the National Kidney Foundation, Bergen Volunteers and more. We hope to continue working with these charities and we look forward to taking on more charitable partners in the future.

Workplace injuries and illnesses can take a severe toll on the profitability and performance of companies both large and small. Companies in high population areas like Chelsea are especially vulnerable to these losses. In New York State in 2017, there were 203,100 recordable cases of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses. These problems affected up to 2.8 percent of all employees, including state and local government. This figure is down by 0.7 percent since 2007, but more work is necessary to reduce the incidence of workplace-related injuries. One of the riskiest activities in the workplace is working with tools. Using the incorrect tool for the job can lead to problems. People need to be fully trained with the tools they are using, and they need to use safety equipment like gloves and goggles for maximum benefit.

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