Craft tea online store

The scent of hot tea on a cold day, is there anything even slightly better ? There are lots of coffee types, some are bad, some are good but some manually selected tea leaves and coffee beans are just fabulous. Certification systems like Fairtrade, Organic, Rainforest Alliance and so on have played a vital role in growing a market of more conscious consumers and the larger corporate organisations have often committed to working solely with at least one of them to fulfil their corporate social responsibility programmes. However, in the last decade or so, we have seen an increasing number of consumers asking more questions of their suppliers. Globalisation is bringing people closer together and the world, it seems, wants greater transparency, traceability and provenance in their purchases.

Our coffee pick today: Indonesia – Robusta & Arabica: Indonesia, which we frequently hear associated with interesting coffee types, produces 660,000,000 kg of coffee per year. Although quality and taste pale in comparison to Brazil and Colombia, it has an important place in global coffee production. Read extra info at Coffee handblended UK.

Eco friendly coffee hint of the day : Single serve cups and pods are possibly the most detrimental form of coffee on the environment. The convenience of K-Cups and Nespresso pods has dirty consequences. In 2015, Green Mountain Coffee Co (Keurig) produced 10 billion (10,000,000,000) K-Cups. If you set them next to each other in a straight line, they would wrap around the globe. 10.5 times. In a single year, we wrapped the entire world with K-Cup waste 10.5 times. That doesn’t even include Nespresso and other pod manufacturers. Single serve pods are an environmental nightmare. Not only that, but they are relatively expensive, brew sub-par coffee, and pull you away from experiencing coffee to its fullest. Please, avoid disposable coffee pods at all cost.

We carefully vet and select our coffee and tea based on quality, taste, aroma and whether or not it was ethically sourced. We always use ethically sourced products which help farmers around the world. All our products are tested, blended and packaged personally in our home kitchen. But that’s enough about us, we look forwards to doing business with you, we hope you will begin to look to us for all your tea and coffee needs. Source:

We are passionate about tea and coffee, but also about our chosen non-profit organisation, Lemur Love. This organisation focuses on lemur conservation and can be found at Currently Lynch’s Brew donates 5% of all it’s sales to this organisation. After we reach our first 5000 sales it is our pledge to raise this to 6%, 7% once we reach 10000 sales and 10% once we reach 100000 sales.

Menage a domicile Paris – entreprise de nettoyage

A few cleaning tips and a high quality recommendation if you are searching for cleaning services in Paris. It can feel like you’re constantly buying new packs of kitchen and bathroom cleaning sponges, and not only do the costs add up, but it’s not great for the environment to keep throwing dirty ones away. Get more use from your cleaning sponges by giving them a quick one or two-minute blast in the microwave on a high setting. This will kill off bacteria. Make a quick natural cleaning product for your whole home: Feel like a money-saving magician with this easy-peasy recipe. Just mix four tablespoons of baking soda and a litre of warm water to make a cheap and natural all-purpose cleaner. Use liberally on your surfaces, floors and anywhere else that’s in need of a scrub. Great money-saving tip: clean lime scale from your shower head using vinegar: We love it when we can make kitchen cupboard ingredients into a germ-busting cleaning product. If you’re looking for a more natural (not to mention thrifty) way to clean your home from top to bottom, Vinegar is your new best friend. Soak your shower head in a mixture of boiling water and vinegar to unclog any lime scale easily.

If your vacuum is set too low, you can damage the carpet as well as the vacuum’s roller brush and drive belt. If it’s set too high, you won’t pick up any dirt. To set the vacuum’s ideal height, raise it to its highest setting, turn it on and lower it until you can feel the vacuum trying to tug itself forward as you begin a how to clean carpet project.

For our french visitors:

La plupart des fabricants de tapis recommandent les professionnels l’extraction de l’eau comme methode de nettoyage principale pour les tapis synthetiques. Bien qu’on parle souvent de «nettoyage a la vapeur», il n’ya pas de vapeur. Le tapis est pretraite avec une solution de detergent, puis une solution de rincage tres chaude sous haute pression est forcee dans votre tapis et aspiree. Lorsque cela est fait correctement, ce processus nettoie en profondeur et ne laisse pas de residus de savon. Les professionnels de la qualite chargent de 300 a 500 dollars US pour nettoyer en profondeur 1 000 pieds carres de tapis. A ce prix-la, vous pourriez etre tente d’eviter completement les nettoyages professionnels et de simplement louer une machine pour nettoyer vous-meme le tapis. Ne pas. Ou du moins ne fais pas que ca. Une machine de nettoyage de tapis louee ou achetee enlevera la salete de surface. Mais le nettoyage en profondeur pour eliminer les allergenes, la poussiere et les residus graisseux necessite un equipement specialise et la formation d’un professionnel. La meilleure strategie consiste a utiliser notre methode de bricolage pour nettoyer les conseils de nettoyage de tapis, la plupart du temps, et a embaucher un professionnel tous les 12 a 18 mois.

Quelques conseils de nettoyage: Utilisez des collants pour empecher votre aspirateur d’aspirer des pieces: ne jetez pas ces collants a l’echelle! Economisez de l’argent et de petits objets precieux en utilisant le pied d’une paire de collants sur votre buse d’aspirateur. Il attrapera tout changement, bandes de cheveux et autres mors avant qu’ils ne soient aspires. Nettoyez votre four a micro-ondes naturellement avec une tasse d’eau: si votre micro-ondes ne semble pas hygienique apres une explosion d’explosions de nourriture, ne paniquez pas – vous pouvez le nettoyer gratuitement en un tour de main. Il suffit de verser une tasse d’eau resistant a la chaleur avec un demi-citron et son jus au micro-ondes a intensite maximale pendant une minute ou deux. 1. Laissez le melange dans le four a micro-ondes avec la porte fermee pendant 5 minutes pour que la vapeur fonctionne, puis essuyez facilement l’interieur de votre four a micro-ondes. Le citron laissera toute votre cuisine sentira propre et frais!

Ciblage par zones: Nous analysons toujours la zone en question avant de commencer le traitement. Une sonde UV et une sonde d’humidite seront utilisees pour cibler les zones presentant des taches ou des odeurs d’animaux domestiques. En faisant cela, nous pouvons trouver un probleme qui pourrait ne pas etre vu a la surface avec un eclairage normal. Cela nous permet d’identifier la source de preoccupation et d’utiliser la bonne formule pour le travail. Traitements d’actualite: pour les taches et les odeurs d’animaux de compagnie recentes, ce traitement fonctionnera a merveille. Nous sommes en mesure de traiter le tapis avec un pre-conditionneur d’urine. Ce produit incroyablement efficace suspend les sels d’urine afin qu’ils puissent etre completement elimines. Nous procedons ensuite a un nettoyage en profondeur avec un rincage a base de fibres, puis appliquons notre traitement topique. Cette solution respectueuse de l’environnement contient des bacteries productrices d’enzymes qui digerent les dechets organiques et detruisent les odeurs a la source. Extraction souterraine: elle sera utilisee lorsque l’urine penetre dans le dos et le coussinet du tapis. Nous allons maintenant effectuer un traitement souterrain. Nous commencons par utiliser une lumiere UV pour effectuer ce processus. Nous localisons toutes les zones contaminees, en les traitant une a une en utilisant une solution specialisee pour des resultats optimaux. Nous saturons ensuite les zones avec un puissant oxydant auto-neutralisant qui detruit non seulement les odeurs des tapis, mais attaque egalement les taches. On utilisera ensuite une pince a eau, specialement concue pour evacuer les contaminants et l’enlever dans notre reservoir de stockage pour une elimination rapide. Cette operation est suivie d’un rincage a l’eau douce et d’une extraction finale sous la surface afin d’eliminer l’odeur, les taches et les residus residuels des animaux domestiques.

Atomic crypto swaps exchange

We will comment about crypto swaps and particularly Atomic Swaps, a new way to do cryto swaps today. With that being said, how do atomic swaps work? Atomic swaps use a specific type of smart contract called a hash timelock contract (HTCL). This can be thought of like a “virtual lockbox” requiring two special keys: A HashLock key: That only distributes traded cryptocurrency to traders when all parties have signed off on their respective transactions. A TimeLock key: A safety mechanism that returns traded cryptocurrency to traders if the trade is not completed within a specified time period.

Analyse historical price charts to identify telling patterns. History has a habit of repeating itself, so if you can hone in on a pattern you may be able to predict future price movements, giving you the edge you need to turn an intraday profit. For more details on identifying and using patterns, see here. This is one of the most important cryptocurrency tips. By looking at the number of wallets vs the number of active wallets and the current trading volume, you can attempt to give a specific currency a current value. You can then make informed decisions based on today’s market price. The more accurate your predictions, the greater your chances for profit. If you anticipate a particular price shift, trading on margin will enable you to borrow money to increase your potential profit if your prediction materialises. Exchanges have different margin requirements and offer varying rates, so doing your homework first is advisable.

Atomic Swaps has the potential of completely revolutionizing the money transfer system in the crypto world. To put it in simple terms, atomic swaps will enable people to directly trade with one another wallet-to-wallet. Since 2012, the concept of a trustless, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency has been a pretty hot topic. In July 2012, a developer by the name of Sergio Demian Lerner created the first draft of a trustless exchange protocol. The idea was pretty appealing, however, it wasn’t really fleshed out. Find additional info at Crypto Swap.

What’s nifty about Swapy is that it charges a fee only on the amount users will save relative to competitor services. In other words, Swapy only gets a cut of what you save on a swap, doing away with a flat fee entirely. Holders of REM tokens can further increase their discount level by up to 90%. Account registration is necessary with Swapy, but only if you’re looking to claim the maximum available discount. Another very good choice is

The team is glad to welcome you at our service. We have done the process of cryptocurrency exchange simple, safe and comfortable. Our customers don’t need to create accounts or store their funds at We offer swaps of more than 300 cryptocurrencies. Our team is always glad to add new coins to the list of currencies and is looking for new partners to make our platform even better. Visit:

Craft premium coffee blends online shop and help lemur conservation

The scent of coffee in the morning, is there anything even remotely better ? There are lots of tea types, some are bad, some are good but some manually selected tea leaves and coffee beans are just incredible. We support community projects and NGO’s that are committed to quality improvement and consequently price improvements for the coffee farmers – organisations such as TechnoServe for example have worked across East Africa to assist with coffee infrastructure and producer knowledge. If the quality is high enough we will buy Fair Trade coffees. This organisation contributes a social premium to a smallholder cooperative which can be used towards projects which are beneficial to the whole community such as primary schools or medical dispensaries.

Our tea pick today : Chrysanthemum Tea: You’ve seen the flowers, now drink the tea! Chrysanthemum tea, predictably, tastes a lot like what you might imagine a flower would taste like—feel free to add a little honey to balance the bitterness. Hibiscus tea: Made from the petals of the roselle flower, hibiscus turns water into a handsome shade of red, and has perhaps the most fruity, tart flavor of any tea on this list. See more info on Unique loose-leaf tea UK.

Eco friendly coffee tip of the day : Use Your Own Mug: Another super simple way to reduce paper waste is to use your own mug. This method doesn’t contribute to landfill crowding with paper cups, and makes you feel right at home. For many years, Starbucks promised to make a recyclable cup, but has failed to do so. It takes about 20 years for the standard Starbucks cup to decompose. That may not sound like such a long time, but when you consider that the USA goes through 60 billion of those cups per year, the problem becomes a lot bigger. Do the world a favor and start taking your own mugs and tumblers to coffee shops. The baristas will be glad to play a small part in reducing paper waste and you’ll feel proud of your eco-friendly coffee habit.

The Lynch family have always had a love for lemurs. They are quite simply the mascot of our family and now therefore, of our business. They are adorable, curious creatures from Madagscar and need a lot of conservation to help secure their future. Our business donates a percentage of it’s sales to lemur based non-profit organisation(s). Source:

You may have noticed that our mascot is a lemur, this is simply due to a love the Lynch family has always shared for the animal! A percentage of every single sale we make gets donated to Lemur Love, a NPO which focuses on lemur conservation. Help us conserve today and enjoy our delicious tea and coffee at the same time!

Hemorrhoids pain treatment tricks

Topic for today : Top tricks on hemorrhoids pain treatment. Seek topical relief for hemorrhoids. Over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams containing a local anesthetic can temporarily soothe pain. Witch hazel wipes (Tucks) are soothing and have no harmful effects. A small ice pack placed against the anal area for a few minutes can also help reduce pain and swelling. Finally, sitting on a cushion rather than a hard surface helps reduce the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and prevents the formation of new ones.

Warm baths can help soothe the irritation from hemorrhoids. You can use a sitz bath, which is a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat, or take a full-body bath in your tub. According Harvard Health, taking a warm bath for 20 minutes after every bowel movement will be most effective. Adding Epsom salts to the bath can provide further relief by reducing pain. Witch hazel can reduce both itching and pain, two main symptoms of hemorrhoids. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, so it could also reduce swelling. Witch hazel can be purchased in liquid form and applied directly to the hemorrhoids. It can also be found in products like anti-itch wipes and soaps.

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed? A thorough evaluation and proper diagnosis by the doctor is important any time bleeding from the rectum or blood in the stool occurs. Bleeding may also be a symptom of other digestive diseases, including colorectal cancer. The doctor will examine the anus and rectum to look for swollen blood vessels that indicate hemorrhoids and will also perform a digital rectal exam with a gloved, lubricated finger to feel for abnormalities. Closer evaluation of the rectum for hemorrhoids requires an exam with an anoscope, a hollow, lighted tube useful for viewing internal hemorrhoids, or a proctoscope, useful for more completely examining the entire rectum.

Great product! Best $39.95 I ever spent. ClearMed even helped with the burning and itching I was having. I would totally recommend ClearMed to anyone who is having problems with hemorrhoids. They worked, but would like to see ClearMed add a cream to their product line. Both the pills and a soothing cream would even be better.

Having issues and searching for guides about hemorrhoid relief ? Off-the-shelf remedies. Over-the-counter products are available for hemorrhoids. These include witch hazel infused pads and soothing creams, like the iconic brand Preparation H and its generic equivalents. If these don’t work, ask your doctor about prescription preparations. Sit in a sitz. Don’t overlook the relief offered by sitz baths. Using a basin that fits under the toilet seat, soak the inflamed area in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes, two to three times a day.

The ClearMed product has finely milled preparations that works well together to heal and reduce hemorrhoidal swelling. ClearMed seemed to get a very good feedback for healing bleeding hemorrhoids as well.The ClearMed company has been around since 1999 with a solid track record. Another very good quality about ClearMed is that it`s completely safe with no reported side effects. ClearMed also has healing and soothing agents within each capsule that is time released to help you function and feel comfortable throughout your day. There is no other product on the market that offers triple action therapy like ClearMed. Other products on the market are unable to deliver a fast acting treatment that immediately gets to the root of the hemorrhoid problem. Creams, oils, suppositories, wipes, and ice treaments are temporary and many times can irratate the area even more. It`s extremely important to treat hemorrhoids properly, or the condition could get worse. See extra info at

Back taxes recommendations

Top tax debt provider in US are a popular topic in 2019. Money are a serious problem, as everyone knows. We will discuss about a few tax debt tricks finishing with the introduction of a high professional firm in US : DefenseTax.

Avoid Taxes on an RMD with a Charitable Donation: Seniors who have a traditional 401(k) or IRA must take a required minimum distribution each year once they reach age 70 1/2. Those who don’t need this money for living expenses may want to consider having it sent directly to a charity as a qualified charitable distribution. “It’s basically a check issued from the IRA and made out to the charity,” Zollars says. This prevents the money from becoming taxable income and could help reduce the amount of Social Security retirement benefits that are deemed taxable, too.

Out-of-pocket charitable contributions: It’s hard to overlook the big charitable gifts you made during the year by check or payroll deduction. But the little things add up, too, and you can write off out-of-pocket costs you incur while doing good deeds. Ingredients for casseroles you regularly prepare for a qualified nonprofit organization’s soup kitchen, for example, or the cost of stamps you buy for your school’s fundraiser count as a charitable contribution. If you drove your car for charity in 2019, remember to deduct 14 cents per mile. Jury pay paid to employer: Some employers continue to pay employees’ full salary while they are doing their civic duty, but ask that they turn over their jury fees to the company. The only problem is that the IRS demands that you report those fees as taxable income. If you give the money to your employer you have a right to deduct the amount so you aren’t taxed on money that simply passes through your hands. See extra info on Wage garnishment.

For most garnishments including child support, creditor garnishments, and student loans, Title III of the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) requires that the amount of pay garnished should be based on an employee’s “disposable earnings,” meaning the amount remaining after legally mandated deductions. Broadly speaking, disposable income is the employee’s total compensation, less mandatory deductions including federal, state, and local taxes; state unemployment insurance contributions; and Social Security taxes. This includes salaries, bonuses, and sales commissions, as well as earnings derived from retirement plans and pensions. Tips aren’t usually regarded as earnings for garnishment, but service charges are considered earnings.

Defense Tax Group is a focused tax relief advocate firm that strives to protect you and your family from the devastating effects of looming tax debt. We specialize in settling tax debt, preventing and ending wage garnishments, eliminating bank levies and averting property seizures. We will fight to ensure your financial stability and help you enjoy life free from tax debt anxiety. Effective representation is crucial in any lawsuit, especially when dealing with a multi-billion dollar corporation like the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS and State Tax Boards are the most powerful entities in the country; yet you still have rights and can defend those rights to preserve your livelihood. Source :

Heart centered learning advantages

Meditation courses tricks today, a popular topic, and we will bring this up again as a high quality personal health course is starting in December 2019, i’m discussing about Body Bedrock course.

One of the most interesting studies in the last few years, carried out at Yale University, found that mindfulness meditation decreases activity in the default mode network (DMN), the brain network responsible for mind-wandering and self-referential thoughts – a.k.a., “monkey mind.” The DMN is “on” or active when we’re not thinking about anything in particular, when our minds are just wandering from thought to thought. Since mind-wandering is typically associated with being less happy, ruminating, and worrying about the past and future, it’s the goal for many people to dial it down. Several studies have shown that meditation, through its quieting effect on the DMN, appears to do just this. And even when the mind does start to wander, because of the new connections that form, meditators are better at snapping back out of it.

How Does it Help with Stress? Many researchers today argue that the effect of meditation on stress might be overrated. While there is evidence that supports a lack of commitment and consistency in daily meditation, we haven’t yet reached the point where we can question the effectiveness of meditation and mindfulness for promoting mental peace and happiness. In the 1970s, Herbert Benson, a physician at the Harvard Medical Institute, introduced a meditative practice that he called ‘The Relaxation Response.’ Benson’s studies on stress and its impacts revealed that the adrenaline rush that sudden adversities create could suppress the nervous system and blood circulation, increasing the chances of cardiac arrests, depression, manic psychosis, and even cancer. Read extra info at Expand my consciousness.

Ever feel like you could use some more inspiration? Meditation increases your creativity, according to various studies. It’s no wonder that famous creatives like Yoko Ono, David Lynch and Marina Abramovic make meditation a major part of their life. Whether you want to become a memory champion or you simply want to remember the name of that guy who works down the hall, meditation can help. Research has shown that it improves your ability to memorize things and to store and consolidate new information.

Education is empowerment that leads to healing. The great arcanum is to know thyself because the secrets to your health, longevity, and advancement are hidden within you. Learning Traditional medicine is walking your own spiritual path towards enlightenment while creating peak health and wellness with your natural lifestyle. Our courses enable you to honor your soul path and care for your body-mind and emotions in easy and effective ways. You can fuel your greatness by joining our healing circle and signing up for our weekly insights or go full out with our foundational course in health consciousness. Source:

Transformative coaching advices

Transformative coaching ways… To transform is to convert through a dramatic change into something that didn’t exist before, altering structure, condition, character, or appearance. If any of these words caused your stomach to tighten, it might be because making big life changes seems some terrifying thing you’ve been procrastinating about for a long time. If you’re struggling to lean into the new you that’s been spotlighted in your dreams, transformational coaching may be the thing you’ve been looking for.

Inquiry is an art form, which when mastered yields exquisite results for you and your clients. Through questioning, clients uncover aspects of their selves in such a way that they feel empowered and trust that they can create the life they say they want to have. They experience their strengths. Their weaknesses are reframed in a way that generates positive perspectives. The intention of this form of inquiry, is to truly serve the clients in revealing, recognizing and acknowledging their essences, the survival mechanisms and strategies and the strength and courage inherent in their being, which allowed them to come this far unaided. Through coaching, they are supported and empowered to choose alternatives so as to generate results that serve them to live life effortlessly and fully.

It’s a tall order and requires immense self-awareness and presence on behalf of the transformational coach, combined with a skilled and experienced hand. It takes courage to challenge the status quo on behalf of a client and to stay present in uncomfortable moments even knowing this is where the greatest change can occur. It’s about more than a thought process, but a way of being with the client. This is why it is essential that training specifically focused on transformational coaching is imperative for those seeking to become a transformational coach, or to work on a more profound level with clients. Read more details at Life coaching.

Learning languages can be a major part of your personal development plan. Not only will speaking more than one language help you stand out from the crowd (and it is a very impressive achievement) but you could also open yourself up to a world of new career opportunities with more companies than ever having a global outlook. If you learn the language, this could be your chance to make that move to your dream job abroad or to move up the ladder.

You will find that one important aspect of corporate training involves project management. If you want to improve how your business handles projects of all sizes, this training can certainly be of great assistance. The efficiency with which you complete your projects will have a huge effect on how easily you are able to grow your business, so you will need to learn all you can. Most businesses don’t realise just how much they could improve the way they handle projects. This training will provide your employees with the necessary knowledge and tools they need to help your business become even more successful.

I am Natalie Rivera, owner and founder of Well Within Coaching. I am dedicated to supporting you being the leader of your life. Together we will create a customized coaching plan that is powerful, effective and convenient. Source:
